Chapter Twenty - Y/N

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I love you.

I didn't even mean to think it, it just popped up, and I ducked my head, face hot. Another tinkling laugh in her mind.

I love you too, idiot.


I didn't mind the eyes, as unnerving as they were. The hair was what threw me off. Her hair in her natural color was always in a different style, pinned up or brushed back with multiple different clips and curls. One time, for shits and giggles, she styled her hair like Toga's. It was funny.

Her hair is like her personality. Always surprising, and never predictable.

What was predictable however, was how Shigaraki and Y/N were looking at one another. They looked at one another like there was some stupid inside joke only they were in on, like they had this huge secret only they knew. It wasn't a secret they were into one another, we were for the most part aware that they were seeing one another, but as far as we knew, they weren't official. They weren't public about it, no PDA, no physical affection of any kind, and of course, we all knew it was because they are the leaders and we don't need to know too much about their personal lives, and that they weren't labeled as a couple or anything. The League could care less, they tease them but are... happy for them, if that's the right term to use.

Not me. Seeing them together makes me feel physically sick. It's probably obvious why. The second we met, back at the bar when the vampire and I joined, I knew what was going to happen, and I had a chance to go for it.

The crusty asshole beat me to it.

Himiko is like a sister to me. She pisses me the hell off, but she reminds me of Fuyumi sometimes. That younger sister figure. I thought Y/N might become like that, maybe if my stupid fucking feelings never showed up, but nope. I had to fall for her.

Maybe things with him will fail tremendously and we'll link or some shit. I'd probably be a god-awful boyfriend, but... it's Y/N. It's her.

Maybe. A guy can hope.


We stole a car, whoops, and Tenko and Dabi were my chauffeurs, stopping about a block from the destination. They were in plain clothes and hats, and the windows were tinted. I reached behind me and Dabi pressed an earpiece into my hand. It was sleek, and a beige color, and I slipped it into my right ear, tapping it to turn it on.

"Alright, this works. Are we good for me to head in?"

"Yes, ma'am." Dabi smirked. Tenko shot me a look, and I smiled a little, brushing my hand over his as I slipped out of the car, waiting a few minutes and turning the corner, walking towards the arena.

Once I got there, I hoisted the backpack containing my "hero costume" (we just threw together a basic outfit by raiding everyone's closets) onto my shoulders, the plush flooring of the cream-colored hallway softening and silencing my footsteps. I fixed my posture, because if people are hunched over, they look timid, weak, or suspicious, whereas people with a tall posture seem more sure of themselves and confident. My eyes locked on the heroes, and my voice lowered to barely a whisper, touching my ear piece.

"Shit. Guys. All Might is here. Endeavor and Mic, too."

"You don't even look like Y/N. Just don't fuck anything up." Tenko replied quickly. I scoffed.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, asshole."

Dabi burst out laughing, but then the comms went silent as I continued forward, passing the heroes without drawing much attention, until the loudmouth decided to call me out.

A Shattering Touch - Tomura Shigaraki X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang