Save Me

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Malory woke up groggily to feel an arm around her waist, she looked over and saw a naked stranger and just realized she was naked to

Malory just groaned

"You need to leave," Malory shouted

"What?" He said waking up

"It was nice meeting you and thank you..." Malory said

"Jacob," Jacob said

"Right, yeah, you need to leave," Malory said throwing a t-shirt on and dragging him down the stairs and pushing him out the door

She turned around and screamed as she saw Derek

"Shut up. Do not say anything," Malory said

"I wasn't going to," Derek said smirking

Malory walked into the kitchen grabbing the coffee from Georges hand and drinking it

"So who was the guy?" Izzie asked

"Uh, Jake...Jacob. Jacob," Malory said

"I like it here. You said so yourself you liked having your things around, sleeping in your own bed," Derek said grabbing cereal

"You're like a health nut, aren't ya?" Malory said

"You know museli every morning," George said

"No I don't," Derek said

"Okay the museli thing, you do. The last 7 days at least," Izzie said

"Oh come on I haven't been here for a whole week, have I?" Derek asked sitting down

"See even they think it's weird," Meredith said


"This guy belongs in psych. What are you doing putting him here?" Cristina asked looking at a case

"He's my gift to you," The man said

"Well I want a refund," Malory said

"He had a seizure two days ago and another one this morning," He said

"What are you talking about. It says right here he talks to dead people, his family thinks he's dangerous and they had him committed. Thats psych not neuro," Meredith said

"Didn't you go to med school?" Cristina questioned

"Yes. Unlike the correspondence school you attended," He said

"Yeah Stanford right," Cristina said getting defensive

"I learned not to jump to conclusions. Sorry ladies we can't take him back until he's cleared," He said

"So you're dumping him on us?" Malory asked

"He thinks his seizures are visions," He said

"Hello. They're not seizures I'm physic," The patient said

"Of course you are and I'm a chicken," Cristina said

"Hey genius," Malory shouted to the doctor but he ignored her

"Okay Mr Duff. We're gonna start our workup now," Meredith said

"Work me up work me down. I'm telling you it's a waist of time," Mr Duff said

"Can you grip my fingers please," Cristina said 

"Cristina, Mr Duff are you okay?" Malory asked as he zoned out

"Someone..." Mr Duff said

"Someone what?" Meredith asked

"Someones gonna check out...of life," Mr Duff said

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