No Man's Land

883 19 3

"We are out of tampons," Izzie told George as they got out of the car in the hospital parking lot

"No, you're parading through the bathroom in your underwear, but naked in the shower," George complained

"Can you add it to your list please," Izzie repeated

"What?" George asked

"Tampons," Izzie said

"On the list. It's your turn," Malory said

"I am a man! I don't buy girls products, I don't want you walking in while i'm in the shower, and I don't want to see you in your underwear," George said

"It doesn't bother me, okay? Look at me in my underwear, George, take your time it's no big deal," Izzie said


"You are the first person they see in the morning. You can please, you say thank you, you apologise for waking them up. You make them feel good about you. Why is that important? Becayse then they'll talk to you and tell you what's wrong. Why is that important? Because then you can tell your attending what they need to know during rounds. And why is that important? Because if you make your resident look bad she'll torture you until you beg for your mamma. Now get out there, I want pre-rounds done by 5:30 am," Bailey told all the interns

"I better get good patients today. Yesterday I had two guys who needed a dressing change every 15 minutes," Meredith 

"I'm gonna be in surgery. Today's my day," Cristina told them

"On what?" Malory asked

"Like I'd tell you," Cristina said

"What do you know?" Malory persisted

"I know that I was here at 4, and you didn't get here till 4:30," Cristina said

"Tell us," Meredith told her

"No. I'm not the intern screwing an attending," Cristina said walking off

"I am not screw-" Meredith said until she walked into Derek

"You're here early," Malory said trying to play it off

"Another cordotomy at 5, I'll be out at 6. I thought I might buy you breakfast before your rounds," Derek told them

"I've already eaten," Meredith said

"What'd you have?" Derek asked

"None of your business," Meredith said as they kept walking down the corridor

"Are you a cereal person? Straight out of the box, all fruit and fiber. Pancakes? Do you like pancakes?" Derek said

"Fine. Leftover grilled cheese. Satisfied?" Meredith told him

"That's sad. It's pathetic. A good day starts with a good breakfast," Derek said

"Look I'm not being seen with you in this hospital. It's unprofessional," Meredith said

"What? I'm just getting to know two of his interns," Derek said

"You slept with an intern," Malory said

"Barely knew her," Derek said

"It should stay that way," Meredith commented

"You want me to be professional. I'll be professional," Derek said

"That's what I want," Meredith responded

"And that's what you get," Derek said

"You're gonna be late for your cordotomy," Malory told him

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