The Self-Destruct Button

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Malory walked into Merediths room as she heard the alarm going off but it wasn't stopped

"You need to wake up," Malory told Meredith

"Oh god, what time is it?" Derek groaned

"Oh god, seriously," Malory said

"It's 5:20, and we have pre-rounds, and you have to leave before they see you," Meredith said

"Yeah, you need to leave," Malory said throwing his clothes at him


"Yikes wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley," Malory told Cristina who was sitting on her motorbike

"Run. You run," Izzie said to Alex

"Everyday baby everyday," Alex said

"Not suffering enough," Meredith said

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," Alex said


"I need a major rush to make it through this day. I need a kick-ass surgery," George said in the Locker room

"Oh, were you a bad boy last night, George," Alex said

"That would be Meredith," Izzie said

"Are you a bad boy Meredith," Alex said

"Do tell," Cristina said

"Nothing to tell," Meredith told her and Izzie walked out

"Sorry I have a sex life," Meredith told her

"Don't apologise, embrace it, share it," Alex said

"Yeah, next time just let me know if I need to go to a hotel so I can get some sleep," Izzie said

"At least one of us is getting some," Malory told her sister

"Am I missing something?" Meredith asked

"Just a little loud," George said walking out

"Do they know it's Mcdreamy keeping them up all night?" Cristina asked

"I hope not. I already have Bailey riding me, I don't need my roommates thinking I'm getting special treatment," Meredith said yawning

"O'malley, Yang, Karev, go in the clinic," Bailey said

"You three come with me. Izzie you're hanging with me today. Good morning Dr. Sheppard," Bailey said

"Dr. Bailey," Derek said yawning and Malory held back a chuckle

"Late night Grey," Bailey said

"No, caffeine just hasn't kicked in yet," Meredith said

"If you were at all religious you would want to start praying it kicks in soon. Theres a consult in the pit. Girl with fever and abominable pain, after that Nicolas in 311 needs his meds. Mr Mower's IV fell out and he's a hard stick. Post-op in 13, 37, 43, 42, 63, 81," Bailey said as Malory wrote it down

"Thank you for pissing off Bailey, made today even better than seeing my boss naked," Malory said

"Sorry," Meredith apologised as they walked down the hall

"Yeah, might want to invest in a sound proof room, otherwise it's a matter of time before they find out," Malory told her sister

"Right, will do," Meredith said yawning

"Wait. Why am I getting punished?" Malory asked


"I think she got some bug on her trip to Mexico with her friends. I told her not to go to a third world country but does she ever listen," A mother told them

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