Chapter 49 - Phonecall

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"Calm down Vinny," he says quietly as my body shakes.

"Give me their names and address," I order George I'm as steady of a voice I can manage.

No one gets away with killing my family.

"I'm coming with you," Emilio says as George tells us everything we need to know. Emilio writes it down in his phone as Damian hugs me until I've managed to compose myself.

I take a deep breath and give one last look at Enzo before grab my gun back and walk out to my car with Emilio on my heels.

"What are you going to do?" He asks.

"I will make them suffer," I say as I start the car and go to the first of three adresses.

I stop outside quite a big house and see a car on the drive so me and Emilio get a gun and a knife each from the car then walk up to the door. I knock and wait with my gun patiently. The door opens and a man answers with a shocked face. I hold the gun up and walk inside as he backs up.

"You will pay for what you did to Lorenzo," I say angrily. "Sit on the ground, back against the wall."

"We can talk about this, just put the gun down," he says carefully as he sits down, his hands staying up in the air.

"You could have talked with Enzo," I say bitterly as I load five bullets into his stomach. My ears ring slightly at the loud gunshots but I don't mind because I can still hear his screams of pain. I take my knife out and hold it against his throat as he scrambles to hold onto his wounds.

"Please," he begs.

"Are you alone in the house?" I ask and he nods quickly. I slash my knife across his throat and step back so the blood doesn't spread onto me. Emilio follows me as I quickly walk out and push down the urge to throw up.

I get in the car and Emilio directs me to the next house. My body is trembling with anger so much even Emilio is wary of me. He only gives the directions and stays quiet the rest of the time.

When I knock on the next door a woman answers. I hold up my gun and walk inside like last time as she screams and holds her hands up. A man runs down the stairs with a gun in his hand but Emilio quickly shoots him in the stomach. He falls down the last step as I nod to him and Emilio pulls him to sit up.

"You should not have messed with my family," I say to the man as I keep my gun on the woman.

"Leave her out of this!" He shouts but Emilio tightens his grip on his arms and he shuts up.

"Now you can watch your loved one die," I say as I send a bullet through her chest. She falls to the floor as the man crawls to her. I watch as he struggles to stop his own bleeding as her body falls still.

"You fucking monster!" He shouts but I hold my gun up and shoot him in the shoulder. My ears are starting to hurt as the ringing gets louder but I don't care.

"Burn in hell," I say at him before we turn to leave.

One more to go.

I try to calm myself down as the pain in my ears makes me wince. The next house isn't too far so I pull up outside and take a deep breath. I reload my gun as Emilio watches closely.

"Are you okay?" He asks but I barely hear him. I nod and get out of the car as Emilio follows. I don't knock this time, I just open the door and barge in. I point my gun at the man sat on a couch to the left but a child is on the right of me. I pause as the man tries to get who I assume is his son.

"Emilio take the child upstairs," I say and Emilio puts his gun away then guides the boy up the stairs.

"Don't you fucking hurt him!" The man shouts but I shut him up with a bullet to the knee. He falls to the floor with an agonising scream.

"You killed my cousin," I say as I walk over.

"Lorenzo? He deserved it," he says angrily and I shoot another bullet into his body, this time on his shoulder. He screams again and I pull out my knife.

"He did not deserve that. He just loved his boyfriend," I say and he glares at me.

"Kill me then, but leave my son alone."

"I cannot promise that," I say but I know the kid will be fine.

I stab to knife into his stomach and pull it back out as he writes on the floor. I watch with a smirk as he bleeds out and tries to stop it. I give a hard kick to his ribs before I go upstairs to deal with the child.

"Emilio?" I call out and hear him vaguely call me from a room. I go inside and see him watching the boy who's sat on his little bed.

"Do you have other family?" I ask and he nods.

"My mummy will be back soon," he says.

"Stay here then, do not go downstairs until your mum gets back," I say and he agrees. Me and Emilio leave and I get back into the car to go home.

"I can't believe he's gone," Emilio says at one point. The ringing in my ears is starting to subside so I hear him clearly.

"Me either," I answer as I park outside of the mansion. "I am going to my room, please leave me be."

"Come get me if you need someone," he says and I nod as I go inside. Damian is here with Matteo and frowns when he sees the blood on my shoes as I take them off.

"What did you do?" He asks but I ignore him and go up to our bedroom. "Vinny?"

I go into the bathroom and lock the door as I start to breakdown. My body shivers as I start to sob and tears fall down my face. I lean over the toilet and throw up as Damian knocks on the door and begs me to let him in. I cough and splutter into the toilet as I empty out my stomach.

He's actually dead. He's gone forever. I'll never see him again.

A violent sob breaks through as I slump onto the floor and look at his blood on my hands. I can't stop staring as Damian tries to unlock the door from the outside. My hands are shaking like crazy as another wave of nausea fills me and I miss the toilet this time. I grimace at the vomit on the floor as my shoulders shake with the sobs that fill my body. I can't control them as tears drip down off my face.

I slowly stand up and take my jacket off so I can wash his blood off my hands. My vision is blurred by the tears as I turn on the tap and rub my hands together. The door opens and Damian hugs me from behind tightly as I try to clean the redness away.

"Let me help," he says and I nod. He reaches around and cleans my hands and his because he's got some blood on him too. I move my wedding ring to get the blood off that as my mind runs at hundreds of miles an hour.

"He is dead," I say and Damian nods slowly.

"I'm so sorry Vinny," he says and another cry slips past my lips. I collapse against him as he sits on the floor and lets me curl up on his knee to cry.

He's really gone.

I'm sorry😔
One last chapter then an epilogue, the story will end happy I promise 

The Mafia Have Feelings Too (ManXman) {BDSM}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ