"Hi uhh. Sorry about that." I said when I came back.

"No problem. I sometimes want to kill him myself."

"I know right?" I laughed turning to Daniel who was pouting. "Uhh. No need to be so sad. It's just sometimes."

He shook his head in a 'that's not helping' way.

"So Daniel, you didn't tell me your girlfriend was visiting."

I laughed nervously since it was a tad bit awkward.

"I'm not his girlfriend."


I rolled my eyes. I'm sure it would kill him to be a little less blunt.

"Anyway, Tara, my friend Alex and Alex, Tara."

"Hi, nice to meet you." He smiled back in return. "So, I'll just leave you guys to catch up."

"Yeah, sure, we'll be in my room." Daniel said and I nodded and started walking out.

"Oh and Daniel. You're still ugly" I laughed when I heard him laugh from the living room.




I was on my bed reading wattpad at around 8.00 pm when a text message came in.

That's right, an actual text message.

From not a computer. It was from Daniel. I was curious because if he wanted to talk, we are just a few doors away from each other.

I shrugged and opened the message.


Do you believe in love at first text? Or should I text again?

What the..




If you don't reply in thirty seconds, I'll assume that's a yes.


Gash. No. what is wrong with you Daniel?


Nothing. I guess I'll just have to ask another time then.



Yeesh. You're not okay Daniel. You are not okay at all.


I'm coming...

He's coming?? Right now??

I sat up quickly and straightened my clothes.

Wait.. why sef?

I heard a knock and sure enough, Daniel was right at the door.

"Is there a reason for your sudden need to waste credit."

"I just felt like it."

"You are not serious." I rolled my eyes at him and took up my phone to continue my wattpad.

"What are you doing?"

"Wattpad. The story is called-"

"Annnd I'm out. Goodnight."

I shook my head with a light chuckle as I watched him walk out of the room.

I have to admit. The text did make my heart flutter.

I took out my phone nad went into my fanily group chat. We all just caught up on our days. The wedding was going on fine and my sister had already started her lessons. Jimi didn't have nay exam today but he would be done soon.

Uhh, I'm just gonna use this author's note to increase my word count so I don't feel too bad about not knowing what to write next.

I'd have to consider life changing decisions right now. Do I make it twenty one or twenty two chapters which would hurt me a lot because it's just so sad or should I just keep writing everything in chapter twenty. Life is so hard!!

Bye, lemme go and sulk elsewhere. I should have planned better from beginning.

Remember to..

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