Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Omotara's point of view.

I was returning home from school when I noticed that the sun that was, just a while ago, threatening to burn me alive was now being overshadowed by the clouds causing everywhere to turn darker.

Oh no! I left some clothes outside.

I started to walk hastily like most people while others just scrambled to get a shade. I should have gone with the later because after a while, it was pouring heavily and there wasn't a shade in sight.

I really hate when the weather does this to me. My hair was drenched and I let out a heavy sigh of frustration but then suddenly, it stopped raining.

No wait. It's an umbrella. Thank God.

An umbrella held by Daniel.

Wait what??

I stared wide eyed when I realized who was helping me. Daniel's face broke into a guilty smile. At least that's what it looked like from my angle. Daniel and I hadn't spoken in months. Yes months. It was so unusual for us. I didn't know what happened that he had just shut me off that way.

"Why?" I asked. I'm not going to lie here. I am hella angry.

"It's raining cats and dogs. Should I take it away?" He asked and then, as if to prove it, he took the umbrella off my head for a second.

"You idiot! I'm talking about your sudden disappearance, why did you just do that to me?"

He took a long pause before answering me "I'm sorry. I just had some issues that I needed to attend to."

By now, we had continued walking."That's a very vague answer Daniel. You just avoided the whole question right there."

"I'm sorry Tara. I really can't explain."

"I see." I said. That means it's something really personal. "Does it have something to do with me?" I asked.

His eyes went wide in shock as he shook his head "What no! why did you ask that?"

I shrugged. "It was quite noticeable, how you were avoiding me. You weren't picking my calls and you were avoiding me in person."

He looked so uncomfortable. I almost felt bad for him. He cleared his throat and just stared off in space.

"Please accept my apology."

I frowned. "Why are you so formal?"

He rolled his eyes. "Just accept it jhoor."

"people don't pressure people to accept their apologies." I said and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Okay okay. I 'accept'" I said, air quoting the word. "But, you have to promise not to do that again. If you have problems, you can talk to me or anybody. It's not nice to shut people out like that."


"Great. So friends?" I asked holding out my hands. He flinched at my last word.

"Yeah. Friends" He said, basically spitting the word out. I frowned at his weird behavior but just let it be.

We finally found a shade in one of the closed shops. Some other people were standing there too.

"So, how is life?" I asked

"You're so weird."

"What? It's a question too." I said.

"Anyway. Everything has been fine. Not much has been going on." He said.

"Oh. I guess same. Exams are approaching. Are you scared?"

"It's still far away Tara. You're such a nerd. I'm not scared. At least not now."

I nodded. The rest of the time under that shade was spent catching up. He didn't ask me about Ayo and I didn't talk to him about him.

We said our goodbyes a while after and I headed home. I felt lighthearted. Like a huge weight had just been lifted off my chest. My heart had been heavy all this times with the thought that Daniel was angry with me. When I saw him avoiding me, it sort of did something to my heart. It made my heart ache. Like a lot. I was glad to know that I wasn't the reason even though I still did not know what the real reason was.

When I arrived home, I let out a heavy sigh when I saw all my wet clothes hanging outside.


That weekend, I headed off to Folake's house to hang out with her. For a while now, Efosa seems to be avoiding me. Maybe it's in my head but I don't know. She comes early to class and I come just when right on dot so we don't end up sitting together anymore. We still talk when we see each other but it seem to me as if we weren't the same anymore. Our conversations were far shorter. Folake and I had become closer.

Like me, Folake had a roommate but she wasn't at home so we were able to just chillax and talk.

"so.. Folake, is it that you have no form of entertainment for me?"

"Hehe, see this girl o. Being in my presence alone should be enough entertainment for you." She said while I just squeezed my face in mock disgust.

"Okay okay. Maybe we should dance. She took out her phone and scrolled through the songs before she grinned in such a mischievious way.

"Whatever had you smiling like that, I say no!" I said and she let out a laugh.

I heard the beat of Dripeesha playing and I laughed burying my face in the pillow. "You are not serious at all!!"


When I arrived home, I took out my phone to call my brother and the rest of my family. It had been a while since I spoke to Jimi particularly and I was already missing him even though sometimes, he can be the most annoying person in the universe. Even more than Tayo and that's saying a lot.

This chapter isn't normal and I am too lazy to try to think of changing it. It's just a filler though. Just manage it like that.

Remember to..

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She Was Always MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora