Chapter Six

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Chapter six

I was warming up. It was the D-day. My first match this semester and I was nerved. I was scared. My limbs were killing me and my thighs ached but I knew that soon, I won't feel the pain once the adrenaline kicks in when we start playing. I had invited Ayo to come and watch. Daniel was already going to come. Most of my course mates were also coming because they were going to support their faculty.

Victory. The team captain was going over everything we had to stick to to lead us to victory.

Yes yes, pun intended.

"And you Tara. Please try to head the ball when necessary." I smiled shyly while a few people snickered. I have no idea why I can't do that shit.

We were playing against Faculty of Law. Easy peasy. Those goody two shoes nerds won't know what hit them. (I'm sorry law students. It's for the story. She's just trash talking).

After all the formalities, writing names, checking for long fingernails and shit, we headed into the field. The size of the pitch kinda scared me. It had been a long while since I played in main bowl.

I scanned the bleachers at the top for my friends and found them obviously away from each other. Efosa and Folake can not be seen together. Daniel sent a thumbs-up my way when he caught my gaze and I smiled back at him. I continued to scan the crowd but didn't find Ayo. I frowned. He had told me that he was free and would be here.

I shrugged it off. He could arrive later.

We shook the girls from law, and took a quick picture.We hurdled together and Victory led us in our short prayer.

We went into position and waited for the captains to do their stuff.

We had the ball first. I play midfield. The striker with the ball passed back to one of the other three midfielders while they used the chance to run further ahead into the field. The midfielder ran forward and quickly passed to me when she was about to be tackled. I ran ahead with the ball and passed to the striker but a law player intercepted the pass and kicked far into our own side. Luckily, our defender managed to get it and we continued playing.

Ten minutes into the match, the crowd started chanting faster when our captain had the ball and was very close to the goal post. She dribbled the opponent headed her way and took her shot. It was like it was in slow motion and I could hear the beat of my heart even amidst the cheering crowd.

It was a goal!

A smile broke out on my face and I fist bumped. The crowd went completely wild as everyone was shouting 'goal'. Well, everyone besides the law students. Their coach seemed a little angry and just turned and sat back with the other substitutes.

After about a minute of cheering, the excitement had to die down a little since there was still a long way before this match was won. The law students had the ball this time and found a way to get far into our territory. Most players had already left their side of the field.

I remembered Victory's word one time.

'Even if you have got no one to play to, which I highly doubt and they are far into out territory. Just kick. Kick without aim far far away from our post.'

That was exactly what one of the defenders did and it went out. Phew. That was sorta close. We played on like that until one of the law students fired a far range shot towards the goal post. I was closest. I could have done something. I could have headed the ball.

But what did I do?

I completely ducked!!

It was a reflex action. I swear.

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