Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen.

I groaned and rolled over on my bed as I sat up and picked up the books scattered around my bed and tried to do some more reading. I had been awake reading for most hours last night for my last exam today and I was hella tired. My eyes were droopy but I was sure some time in the shower would wipe that all away.

My roommate had already left for school. She had an early morning exam. I felt pity for her because early morning exams are the worst and most of her exams were just that.

I continued to read and after a while, I said a short prayer before I took my bath and got dressed up.

I have this rule to always look good during exam. I know other people would be having bags under their eyes, wearing all the wrong colours and stuff like that but ever since I was in my first year, I made it a mission to dress extremely pretty on exam days.

My dress style boosts my confidence. Nice dress, nice results. Am I right? I know it's sort of stupid but I just have a weird mindset.

Exams are so stressful. There is so much to worry about..

What if I focus on all the wrong topics?

What if I don't know the highest scoring questions?

My last exam for the semester. I was excited at the prospect of going home soon after this.

I met up with Folake and we revised. We started asking ourselves as many random questions as possible just to start ourselves up. We planned to sit together just in case of incasity but we ended up being separated by the invigilators. I hate when that happens.

Finally, the exam was written and done and I couldn't be happier. It was hard but nothing that I couldn't handle. Most of the exams were just like that.

"Gosh. I am so happy." I said to Folake as we started going home.

"Me too. She said."

"I'm going to see my parents tomorrow." I said in a sing song voice and did a little happy dance which warranted a little 'she's crazy' looks from a few people but I didn't care.

"ah ah.. you're going home tomorrow?" She asked and I nodded. "Who does that? Like nobody!!"

I just hissed at her. "Apparently, I do. And since I am so awesome, everyone should too."

She rolled her eyes at that. "You know there is a party tomorrow to celebrate?" She asked and I just gave her a 'do I care' look. I am not one for parties. I am extremely awkward and I don't know how to dance with people. She knows that.

"Anyway, at least spend the rest of the day with me. You are leaving tomorrow after all. I am going to miss you." I nodded but just calculated in my mind. I had already been packing little by little. I guess I still have a lot of time to pack through the night.

We arrived at her house soon after and she said she wanted to take a bath. See this girl o, as if I have time to be waiting for her while she bathes.

I took out my phone and just decided to call my dad. I have a habit of calling my parents after every exam just to keep them updated. Last semester, I remembered crying as I spoke to my mom about one of the worst exams of my life. The results didn't come out so bad but damn, I felt like I had already failed.

"Appa" I said as my dad picked up the phone.

"Hey my daughter. How are you?"

"I'm very fine. I had my last exam already and it was nice. I would soon be home." I said excitedly just thinking about all the kdrama's I had been seeing online but haven't had the chance to watch.

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