Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Boys Ain't Shit -

"Okay okay, let's get our facts straight" Folake said and I nodded crossing my legs Indian style on her bed.

After everything that had happened yesterday, I felt like I needed to talk to someone; someone that would want to talk to me unlike those three yesterday.

"So. Daniel has always hated Ayo for some unknown reason."

"yep but I think we should talk about what happened yesterday"

"Daniel and Ayo were about to fight when you got there shey?"

"Yeah. The question is why.."

"Efosa was there to for some unknown reason right?"

I nodded. Folake stood up and walked around her room.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"Oh. Just let me find it first." I waited until she brought out one of her note books. A hard cover note book. Before I knew what happened, she brought it down on my head.

"Damn it Folake, what's wrong with you na. why did you do that?"I asked slightly annoyed as I scrambled away from her.

"She's still asking me." She said in disbeleief clapping her hands for special effect. "I need to put your brain back in order. It's so obvious. That bitch stole your boyfriend and Daniel was defending you."

"Now, I need to use that book on you"

"No Tara. I don't want you to just dismiss the thought. Think you stupid girl. Use your brain. Connect the dots. I didn't know I had such a dense friend."

I glared at her. "You're going too far o. Efosa would never do that. Ayo would also never do that."

"How do you know that huh? Have you been speaking to her recently?" She asked and I shook my head. Folake went quiet and I guessed that she was allowing me to gather my thoughts.

Okay. I tried to think of everything that had been happening. I tried to think of times when Efosa and Ayo had been together.

I was the one that introduced them that time at night class.

Nothing else.

Wait, Efosa was at his match. She had said she was coming to watch one of her friends. A friend that I didn't see at all. I put my hands at both sides of my face in shock.

"you see?"

"It's still not enough. She may not have been there to see him." I said but she just shook her head. You have to go and talk to Daniel. Or better yet, you need to talk to Ayo."

Everything was slowly coming down on me. My boyfriend had been cheating on me. It did something weird to my heart and I hated it. I hated when bad things affected my heart. I tried to block bad things out but this time I wanted to feel it.

To be honest, I knew. Deep down somewhere, I had connected the dots but I absolutely refused to acknowledge it. I thought this was a novel thing. Boyfriend cheats with best friend. This isn't a story. My life isn't a story written by some bored author in quarantine. It's real life. I hated it.

I decided to take Folake's advice to talk to Ayo but I didn't want to do it soon. I felt angry tears threatening to spill but I tried so hard to hold them in.

Damn, I hate boys so damn much right now.

Then I thought of Daniel. He wasn't like that. He hadn't really led me away from Ayo but he had voiced his complains. He was right and I could just imagine him saying 'I told you so'.

Then I remembered how I shut him down yesterday when he had all along been trying to help me. I am such a jerk. I groaned.

I felt really bad and I quickly said goodbye to Folake and went home. At this point, I just wanted to be on my own and grief . I wanted to cry and I didn't need an audience.

I tried to hold it together though.

It may not be true. It may have been a misunderstanding.

I kept repeating that and it was what got me through most of the week. I tried to be strong, I had no idea how bad this feeling would be.

I texted Ayo to meet me up outside my house yesterday and he agreed. I wasn't going to let him in. I just wanted to talk seriously with him. I was in limbo at the moment. I was at a point where I didn't know what was what and what to do anymore.

I put my hands into my hoodie as I stood outside my gate around 6.00 the next weekend. I was waiting for Ayo to show up. I didn't know what I wanted and I didn't know what I was going to say but I just needed to face him.

"Hi." He said when he finally appeared. He too had on a hoodie since it has been a little cold recently especially during the night time.

"We need to talk" I said as if it wasn't obvious what we were about to do.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"For what exactly?" He looked up as if he hadn't been expecting me to ask that.

"I went behind your back with your friend." Well, that confirmed it.

"Ayo, why did you do that? Like, I really don't get it. Why did you date me and then go for my friend. Did you not like me enough?" I asked and then a thought came to me. "Did you have sex with her?" I couldn't help but ask.

He shook his head 'no'. "I know it looked like that but Tara. I didn't wish for it to get to this. I liked you but that was not enough. I really was't going to chase your friend. I thought I would get over it or get to like you more but that didn't work."

"Wow. Thanks" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"You know I didn't mean it like that. Tara, I'm sure you yourself have noticed we weren't working. We weren't fighting but there was really no chemistry."

I narrowed my eyes at him even though I knew it was true. I'm such an idiot.

"I hate you for this, you know? You had led me on for so long. You made me believe we could work."

"I'm sorry." I hated his sorry. I would probably not have known if not for Daniel. I have a feeling he is only sorry because he was caught and he wasn't going to end things off with her if he hadn't been caught.

"Okay then. That's fine. We are done right?" I asked. It wasn't really a question. We didn't even need to say it.

He nodded.

"Goodbye" I had no plans of talking to him ever again. I started to head back in when he called me.

"Wait Tara, we could be fri-"

I turned back quick and cut him off. "Don't finish that!!" I said angrily before turning back into the house. Hot angry tears started running down my face as I climbed in bed.

Gash, I am such an idiot.

Aww. Poor girl. Anyway, the Rayo ship just sunk. I was going to make him a really really bad guy before but I realized that people break up on a normal note too.

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