Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen.

Daniel's confession had me up through most of the night thinking. Okay, to be honest, I was out like a light after a couple of hours.

So, apparently, He likes me. When did this happen? How oblivious am I? A lot of questions filtered through my mind that night but I tried to the best of my abilities to block them out so I could at least have my beauty sleep. I decided then that I would try to ignore all this.

At breakfast the next morning, I was sat at the dining table with Daniel and his parents and I was glaring daggers at my food. The beans had done absolutely nothing to me but Daniel's unwavering staring had. I could almost feel His eyes on me.

"Daniel. Are you alright? Why are you staring at Tara like that?"

At my name, I looked up and caught the eyes of whom I had been avoiding all this while. He finally looked away turning to his dad who had asked the question.

"Nah. It's nothing,, I was just lost in my thought" He said and I snorted quietly but continued eating.

"Oh, and what thoughts are those?" At his dad's question, he suddenly choked and started reaching for the water.

"Ehh sorry. When you would not chew well" His mom said while handing him some water. He finally calmed down after a short while.

"Anyway, I was just thinking of how we have been holed up in this house for wayyyy too long." He said.

"You have been home for just three days now." His mom deadpanned and I stifled he laugh while he glared at me for not supporting him.

"Mom. We are on holidays. It won't be nice to be home all through so we are going out today." He said decisively while I frowned.

"I like being in the house." I said

"That's just because you are a weirdo." I glared at him. "Or not. Anyway," He said turning to his dad. "We are going out today. I just wanted to tell you."

His dad just nodded.

"Well, that's lovely. You can be a good boy and buy me some things from the market when you are coming back."


About two hours later, I was dressed in jeans and a black top with black sandals with my little bag. I walked out of the room and ran into Daniel who seemed to just be entering his.

"Oh yeah. Thanks a lot for asking for my opinion his morning. That was very sweet of you." I said with a large sarcastic smile.

He gave me a dazzling smile of his own. "You are welcome." He caught my sarcasm but decided to ignore it before walking into his room.

I went to the living room and started pacing around. "See him now, being such a girl and everyone is like 'girls take so long to get ready' who's taking long now?" I was muttering to myself as I paced. My small bag swinging along with my movements.

When he came out finally, my jaw dropped.

"Are you serious?" I asked slightly amused and also taken aback.

"Yeah. I wanted us to match." I laughed out loud and before I knew it, I was in his face pinching his cheeks.

"You are so corny."

"Yeah. Corny for you."

I rolled my eyes turning away even though I still had a smile on my face.

To be honest, I was quite excited to be going out. I didn't have my k drama to keep me company so going outside would be a welcomed change.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked. I probably should have asked that a long time ago.

"Oh you know.. places." He shrugged as he locked the door.

Thirty minutes later..

"Stone cold!!"

"I'm pretty sure it says Cold Stone."

"Don't get smart with me pretty boy. That's not what Demi Lovato said."

"Pretty boy??"

"Of course, that was the only thing you heard." I said amused.

"Yeah. You see, I don't even know if I should be offended or elated." He actually really looked confused.

I shook my head. "You tell me when you figure it out"

"Ouch. Harsh" I looked back to find him in a mock hurt expression with his hands to his chest. I shook my head at his antics before walking into my 'Stone Cold."

The chilling air of the place was a welcomed contrast to the hot sun that wanted to burn me alive outside.

After taking our orders, we sat at a booth facing each other and I went on enjoying my ice cream.

"We're on a date now" He said suddenly. He eyes holding mine captive.

A smile crept up my face. "I kind of caught up to that a long time ago."

"So stuff people do on dates.. Okay Tara, tell me about yourself." He said and I laughed.

"You didn't just say that Daniel. You already know me." I said.

"I know. I just really wanted to say that." I rolled my eyes at him. "So, about what I said yesterday, about liking me, did you think about it?" He asked and my jaw just dropped. "What?? I'm telling you Tara, straightforward is the way to go."

I playfully hissed as I played with my hair with my free hand. "I did think. It just didn't have a conclusion."

"Oh. Okay then. I'll ask again later."


The rest of the time spent there was just us talking about random things. Soon enough, we decided to leave but we had to go to the market too.

"Ahh, see tomatoes." He said suddenly and started walking o where the tomato seller was. Before I knew it, she had noticed his lingering stare and she started calling us over to buy.

"See you this boy. Can't you see they aren't fresh" I said and tugged him away from her while I waved at her in a 'I'm not buying' way.

"Uhh. They look the same to me." He pouted. (I feel you Daniel).

"why are you here again?" I jokingly asked.

"I'm supposed to be the one buying the stuff. You are just coming along with me." I rolled my eyes but just continued walking.

"Now you are just being mean. We've passed like three tomato sellers now."

"I've been checking them jhoor. We'll still see more the front. Why are you even complaining sef?"

He glared at me. "Do you not see all these things I'm carrying. You are just walking with nothing but your tiny bag."

"Uhuhhh. It's not like I am supposed to be carrying them now. Be a man and stop complaining."

I decided to spare him a bit and quickly found where I could buy fresh ones. I know that those things can be really heavy sometimes.



"Home sweet home" Daniel said in relief as he landed on the couch.

"So now you like being home now huh? I asked from the kitchen as I got out everything we bought and started taking care of them

"Well, that's only because you wanted to kill me at the market."

"Dramatic much? It was just a bunch of stuffs."

"Yeahh. No." He shook his head. "Let's watch tv"

So we did just that.

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