My eyes popped open in surprise and I jerked awake when I saw who was doing that.

"Jeezz. Do you have a leg fetish?" I asked pulling my legs away from his hands and towards myself.

"no nah. I was just trying to wake you up."

"I didn't give you permission to be here." I said and then he suddenly stop and frowned as he stared off in space.."Daniel. Are you okay? You are acting really weird right now."He snapped back to reality and then rubbed his eyes.

"I'm sorry. What you said just gave me a déjà vu feeling. I tried to remember and it seems I heard it in my dream. Some girl was telling me to bring in my A game-"

"You weird boy. Your A game for what?"

At my question, his eyes seemed to widen as if he had spilled what he wasn't supposed to.

"Don't mind that. Weird dream."

"Okayyyyyyyyyy" I said slowly. "Why are you in here?"

"This is my house"

"This is my room."

He lightly laughed at that. "Touche. Anyway, my mom sent me to call you. I knocked but you sleep heavy."


"wow. It's so nice to see you here. I almost didn't believe my mom when she told me you were coming."

"Yeah, I'm awesome like that." Is aid and he just rolled his eyes. "Daniel! You told your mom school ended two days ago?"

"Jeezz Tara. Don't tell me you have ruined my life?"

"Relax, I didn't say anything Mr Dramatic. Just wondering."

He narrowed his eyes at me and then shrugged. 'Let's go. I assume you haven't had breaksfast."

Not really, I had taken bread and tea this morning like everyone in the house because of the rush but I would hardly call that food.

His mom had made jollof rice..

Ahh! Food. I just love it.

We sat together at the dinning table to eat and I was conscious of not eating like a total pig. I do that a lot at home.

"Up Nepa!!" I shouted and then put my hands over my mouth. I am such a child. Daniel just laughed and started walking off in the direction of the living room.

"So. What do you want to watch?" He asked and I imitated a smirk. "Nope. I do not have Korean drama. Let go of that."

I stuck out my tongue at him.

I sat down on the couch directly opposite the tv and Daniel cam to sit right beside me makingme really conscious.

We just ended up watching random shows. I was just changing from channel to channel when I just landed on a food network. Food right? It's awesome. Only, I would not be able to make all these foreign food they show but at least I can look at it

After about an hour, I stood up to get some water from the fridge and when I came back Daniel seemed to be dozing off then he yawned.

It was so cute I just had the urge to take a picture but he had finished that before I could get my phone out.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" he asked and then rubbed his eyes and sat upright again.

"Oh nothing. Your yawn is very cute."

"You think I'm cute?"

"What? no. I said your yawn. Do you have ear problem?"

"Yeah. Go on and ruin everything the whole compliment."

She Was Always MineWhere stories live. Discover now