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Emily's POV

Tomorrow is my birthday 'horray! note the sarcasm,' but at least 'dad' leaves me alone on my birthday. But for now I have to go make him some dinner. I think I should make him some eggs and bacon. He seems to always be a bit nicer when I make him breakfast for dinner.

 (~ Time skip brought to you by Dern Sure! ~)

 Right after he was done eating he just threw me down the stairs.I have no idea what I did wrong, but I guess this should be expected by my kidnapper. I guess I should just go to bed, for now.

(~ Another Time Skip brought to you by cats! ~)

*crash* W-what is going on up there! Someone just broke down the door to the house! Wait, maybe if I'm loud enough they'll find me and take me away from this hell hole! I ran up the stairs and started banging on the door. "Help! Please let me out of here! Please! I just want to go home!" All of a sudden the door opens and I almost hit the guy in the face. He looks like a police officer.

 "Are you Emily?" The police oficer asked with a gruff voice.

 "Y-Yes." I couldn't say anything else. I was going to leave this hell hole and go back to my family! I'm just so happy!

 "We're here to take you home, come 're" He picks me up and carries me outside. I don't know where we're going but I don't care I'm finally leaving that evil man! As he put me in the car 'dad' ran out with a knife and tried to stab me, luckily the police officer had a tazer.

It took a few minutes to get to my real parents house but here we are. *knock knock* Two adults opened the door and look at me horrified. I just looked back at them confused.

"Mrs. Smith, we found your daughter Emily." The police officer said a bit confused. "Mrs. Smith? Are you okay ma'am?"

"U-Um... We... We aren't... m-missing a daughter." She said pretty fast. "T-Take her to an orphana-!"

"Mommy? What's going on? Why is there a police officer here with a girl?" A little girl who looked like me asked. She looks  pretty tired.She looks like she is about 5. So they gave up on finding me not even a full year after I went missing!

"You couldn't even spend a full year looking for your own fucking daughter!" I screamed at my 'mother.' "You bitch! I'm your own flesh and blood! And your first fucking daughter! Didn't I mean anything to you! I was rawting away in that-that man's basement! And you just have another daughter to forget about me! What the hell is wrong with you!"

 "I-We thought we wouldn't find you! Plus it's not like you were actually the ideal daughter! Maybe we never wanted to keep you and were already planning on sending you to an orphanage and starting over!" She screamed at me.

 I was speechless. The only thing I could do was run away from her and cry. The first time I've actually cried in almost two years now! That fucking bitch! What did I do to deserve this! Nothing!


(A/N) I hope you guys liked this!

Is this Heaven or Hell? (Creature Hub fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora