Happy Birthday... (Part 1)

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I finally collapsed after running a few houses down 'Jesus I need to get in shape' I thought as I was gasping for air. Shortly the police officer was jogging towards me. After actually studying him he looked to be in his mid thirties. He was an italian man and was tall and muscular. 'hm I thought Italians were supposed to be short.' Once he finally caught up I decided too ask him a couple questions, "Hey what's your name so I can thank my 'hero' properly" I asked.

 He looked at me a bit confused before he finally said, "Luigi Misuraca, but you can call me Louie."

 "Okay, Louie," I repeated with a small smile, " What are you going to do with me now that my actual parents disowned me?"

 He thought about this for a bit before answering, "Well there is only one place I can take you to."

 My smile faded and I started frowning as I just stared at the ground. "Oh." Was all I managed to say. 

 "Hey it's alright," he said patting my back trying to comfort me. "It won't be that bad. There are plenty of people there. I'm sure you'll get to make tons of friends. You'll be well fed to." He poked to my belly as he led me back to his car. My 'mother' just glaring at me as my 'father' looked a me... sympathetically? He's giving me fucking sympathy!? After he just sat there and watched that- that women just- just- AGH! That asshole! As I walk by them I glare at my 'father' and flip off that bitch.

 Louie seems to notice me being flustered as I slam his car door. "Hey?" He starts seeming worried, "You alright? I mean aside from the fact you're going to the orphanage."

 I just glare at him. What's the point in talking to him it's not like I'll ever see him again. Plus, I can tell he doesn't care all that much nor' does he like me. "How long 'til we get there?" I ask.

 "Um... About an hour," he says after a little bit of thinking.

 I just nod and decide to take a nap. This is gonna be a long weekend.

 "Hey. Hey!" I feel someone nudging me and shouting, must be Mr.Italian.

 "What?" I groan pushing his hand away trying to fall back asleep in the very uncomfortable seat.

 "We're here. Now get up!" He says as I am pushed out of the car and land on the sidewalk.

 "Ow!" I hiss, "Haven't I been beaten up enough for one God damn life?!"

 "You know you cuss a lot for a 10 year old?" He calmly replies.

 "Almost 11, plus you try to be a happy go lucky son-of-a-bitch after getting kidnapped and beaten almost every God damn day!" I hiss at him. "Fucking asshole." I mumble.

 "Sheesh, sorry" He dramatically replies putting his hands up in defense. I am going to kill this man.

 "Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Before my foot goes up your ass!" I hiss preparing to kick him.

 "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry just calm yo' tits woman!." He shouts backing up his hands trying to block my kicks.

 "Damn right you're sorry." I mutter under my breathe putting my foot down.

 "Okay! Now that you have calmed, let's go get you settled in to this place!" He says, clamping his hands together as he walks into the building. Hm it doesn't look that bad. It's still looks better than going back to that man, or living with that fucking bitch. I follow him inside, it looks pretty simple. A small bench on one wall with a potted plant to it's left and a lamp to it's right. A large desk at the back with huge letters above it that say 'Welcome to St. Ally's Orphanage'. Not a bad name.

 There was a lady sitting at the large desk who was just typing away, until she noticed us. She motioned for us to come closer and asked, "What brings you two here?"

 "Um... This girl has no place to go home to, so I came here to put here." He replied motioning to me. I just gave both of them a bored and tired look.

 She didn't seem very fazed by my attitude and simply asked us ,"How old is she?"

 He looked at me and I simply said, "10."



 She paused at this for a second and gave me a sympathetic look before saying, "Feburay 10th. Okay, name?"

 I just glared at her before grunting, '"Emily."

 She raised an eyebrow and asked, "Last?" I just shrugged.

 "Smith." Mr.Hero said.

 "Okay, that should do it." She stated, "You can go now." She motioned toward Louie.

 "Oh-okay. I hope you get a nice family and leave this place soon. Good bye Emily!" He shouted, waving as he walked out the door.

 Once Louie walked out the door the lady's grin disipeared and turned into a scowl, " My name is Ms.Green, and you will listen to my rules or else." She hissed at me, spitting in my face.

 I just made a disgusted face as I wiped the venom (spit) off of my face, and calmly stated, "Bitch if you think you can scare me you got it wrong. Anything you throw at me is still better than what that man threw at me, so bring it on!"

 She just glared at me anf grabbed me by the ear as she dragged me up some stairs. She threw me in a room with three other girls. They all just glared at me as if I had spat in their faces and called them 'son's-of-bitches' or something.

 "This is your new room." She spat as she slammed the door.

 "Bitch." I mumbled under my breathe. "Well who do I owe the pleasure of sharing rooms with?" I asked with the best smile I could pull. If I'm going to be rooming with these girls for, who knows how long, I might as well try to be friends.

 A girl with long blonde hair spoke first, "I'm Abby and if you touch any of my things you're dead." She looked like one of the girls who thought she was the best. Which means she is probably the leader of this trio.

 The girl on her right, probably the biggest suck up, had short, red hair and freckles, "I'm Betty." She spat in my face.

 And the last girl had long black hair she looked a little timid as she spoke, "I-I'm Hin-Hina-ata."

 I smiled at her she seems pretty nice.


I'm so sorry that this took me soooo long to right! Please don't hate me! I've just been in a REALLY lazy mood! But I'll try to get the next part out as soon as possible! Love ya long time!

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