My Hell hole

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 I fall to the ground holding my face where I got hit with a steaming hot bowl of soup, not daring to let out even a gasp knowing I would just get punished even worse. "How dare you think I would it this filth you call food!" My 'dad' shouts as he kicks my side.

 "I-I'm sorry, I-I'll make it again." I replied trying not to cry.

This earned my a slap across the face. "Did I say you could speak!?" My 'dad' shouts slapping me again. I shake my head. "Good. Now clean up this fucking mess and go to your room, and no food for a week!!" He yells storming out of the kitchen. I just stay behind staying silent as a grab a broom and mop.

'Oh I guess I should introduce my self! Well I am Emily... um... hehe... sorry but I guess I forgot my name after being in this Hell hole for so many years... I'll explain that in a bit bet for now... I have long wavy black hair since I'm not aloud to cut it, or even go near scissors for that matter. I am pale as fuck, though that is probably because I can't go outside. I'm pretty slim since I can't eat very often just watch that man eat. I am pretty sure I am tall for my age, though I can't really compare myself to anyone my age. I am 10 and turning 11 in a month. I was kidnapped by this, man. when I was about five. He for some reason makes me call him "dad" and makes me live in the basement, which has: zero windows, one door (which can only be locked on the outside), and one light in the middle of the room. All my clothes are old and tathered, I have an air mattress with a hole in it, so I have to reflate it everynight, and two old blankets. Well that's all the introdunction you should need!'

As I was picking up the brocken bowl I mananged to cut my hand, 'shit I need to clean this up berfore "dad" sees the blood, Luckily I stole a med kit from him last year.' I ran to my room, after cleaning up the soup and blood. 'let's see... ah! here's the disinfenctent spary. Shit that burns!... Okay now where are the bandages and gaws... ah ok... Make sure it is wrapped up nice and... tight and... done!' Well I guess since there is nothing else to do today might as well go to bed.


(A/N) Hey I hope you like the story it's my first actual story that I'm writing, so hope it's good!

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