Happy Birthday... (Part 2)

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"I-I'm Hin-Hina-ata"

 I smiled at her she seems pretty nice.


 "Well Hinata," I stuck my hand out. "I'm Emily but I let my friends call me Emy, and since we are friends I'll call you... hm... Hina!" She shakily grabs my hand and does a little shake before letting go.

 "Well Emy, I'll have you know that I run things around here!" Abby spat pointing to herself, "So if you want to survive here you'll listen to me from now on!"

 "Okay first, I said my friends call me Emy not skank ass bitches." Both her and Betty's jaws drop. "Second, say it, don't spray it." I remarked wiping the 'spit' off my face. Great now I have to boil my face and hand. "And third," I stood up in her face. "Don't you ever tell me I have to listen to you!" I jabbed her on the shoulder. "Or else will hurt you." I walk away from her and Hina follows while Babby and Bet just stare at each other in disbelief. "Fucking skanks." I mutter to myself, but Hina seems to have heard me.

 "Th-They aren't that bad." She whispers looking intently at the ground.

 I jumped on to the empty bed which was in the back corner, sweet, before I looked at Hina and gave her an 'are you fucking kidding me?' look. She just looked back at the ground and chuckled a bit.

 "Alright, I guess you're right they are pretty bad." She laughed, falling next to me on the bed.

 I push her off my bed laughing, "I never said you could lay on my bed." She just gets up and glares at me. "Ugh, fine you can lay on my bed." I sighed.

 "Thank you" She smiled. I just roll my eyes. We lay there for a few minutes before she sits up and yawns, "Time to go to bed. Good night! See you in the morning!"

 "Goodnight." I smile and wave her off as she skips across the room to her bed. I look over at the alarm clock on the desk next to me, 1:45 A.M. Guess it's my birthday. Well world I have been living on you for a eleven years now. Yawn. Man I haven't even realized how tired I already was. Well, I guess it has been a pretty long day. Why are all adults I meet so rude? I guess that's a question for another time, because right now it is time for me to sleep.

 I woke up to Abby pushing me out of my bed. "Get up!" She yelled in my ear.

 "What do you want!?" I practically screamed at her.

 She seemed completely unfazed by this and calmly replied, "Some one has come here to adopt, so we have to get down there." She turned around and started walking to the door before pausing again, "Though I highly doubt you'll be getting adopted." She sneered, finally walking out the door.

 Sheesh, I've been here for about a day and she is already this bitchy with me. Well I don't really have any other clothes so I guess I'll just brush my hair.

 "Hey Emi, you almost ready?" Hina quietly asked peeking her head through the doorway.

 "Um... Yeah I just finished." I replied placing the brush on the dresser in the room. "So any idea on who came to this dump to adopt?" I asked, walking down the hallway, to the stairs.

 "Um... I'm pretty sure it's just a sweet old lady. Though I don't really know to be honest. I'm just assuming." She stated. I simply nodded in response.

 When we got downstairs everyone was already there lined up. Hina and I walked to the back of the line. Abby and Betty were in the middle.

 A nice looking family of three walked in. A mother with long brown hair, looking intently at all of us. And two daughters who stopped right in front of Hina and I.

 "Hello." I said trying to force a smile. "I am Emily and this beautiful girl," I gestured towards Hina, "Is Hinata."

 They laughed when I said beautiful which took me aback a little "Her? Beautiful?! Don't make me laugh." The older looking daughter giggled.

 "To late!" The younger one laughed out, falling onto the floor looking like she just might pee herself. My blood was fuming. How dare they mock Hina?! I looked over at Hina to see she looked like she was about to burst into tears, which seemed to make them laugh even harder. That's it no one, and I mean NO ONE, laughs at Hina like this.

 I lunged at the younger one, not being able to control myself. "Not laughing now? Aw but I thought that what I said was soo funny!" I shouted sarcasm and venom laced my voice. I was about to punch her when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see the older sister, and she looked pissed.

 "Get off of my sister!" She yelled lunging at me. I pushed her off and kicked her in the side.

 "I thought we were having fun though! I mean they way you guys were laughing I thought we were at a party!" I yelled kicking her in the side again. Ms. Green had come over dragging me away from her. She took me into another room that I've never seen before. It was filthy, there was a torn bed in the corner and a light-bulb dangling off of a few wires. This room was pretty small to.

 "How dare you?!" She yelled slapping me. It didn't hurt though. "Those people probably won't be adopting now!" She was storming out of the door. "You stay in here until I let you out." She slamed the door shut and I heard a click. Great I'm locked up in this tiny ass room.

 Well this still beats being with that man. I smiled at the thought. In fact I made a friend and got to hit a couple of girls. This has to be one of the best birthdays I have ever had. I started laughing remembering how shocked those two looked when I jumped on them.

 After what felt like hours upon hours, Ms. Green finally let me out. I was still snickering with an almost evil grin on my face. Those girls were such losers! I started skipping down the hall to my room, when Hina ran up to me.

 "A-Are you alright?" She asked looking very intently at her feet. She seems upset. Is it because I got in trouble, or did someone else do something mean to her!

 "Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?" I shouted enthusiastically. She just shrugged. "More importantly." I said more seriously, "Are you okay?" She didn't say anything, and she refused to look at me still. "Hey, why won't you look at me?" I asked about to touch her cheek. She yelped and scooted back a little. "Hey, hey. It's okay, it's just me, remember...?"

 After she realized what she did she whispered, "I-I'm s-sor-rry."

 "Why won't you look at me?" I accidentally said aloud. Stupid mouth!

 She flinched at my question but slowly looked at me. She had a swollen eye. "Oh my God. Who did this to you!? Was it one of those girls! Or their mother! Or even Ms. Green!? Is i-."

 She put her hand up to make me stop talking and whispered, "It was Abby... She was mad that those people adopted Betty, so she hit me." I was about to start storming back to the room and give Abby a piece of my mind when Hina grabbed me. I turned to look at her and she was shaking. "P-Please don't hurt her. It's fine. It' doesn't even hurt anymore." She smiled. I can tell it's fake, but I still gave in.

 "Fine." I sighed, "But if she, or anyone else, does something to hurt you or make you upset, I will hurt them. I'll be your very own 'body guard' from here on." I stuck out my hand. "And you'll be my best friend." I smiled brightly at her. "Deal?"

 She seemed to brighten up at my statement and gladly took my hand. "Deal!"


Yeah I updated this story within two weeks! I'm sorry it took so long to get this one out. But I'm just so flippin' lazy this year! Ugh, but I'll get the next part out soon~! Also the next part will most likely take place like a year or two in the future, unless I can come up with something to put in before that!

Also if you have any ideas that you think would be good for the story, please message me and I'll see what I can do! Until next chapter, and or story, I'll see you peeps later.

I should make a name I call you people...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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