"The blood of the Petrova doppelgänger is the price i require," Amelia sat down in front of her dark magic alter. "Your hand, if i may?"

She extended her hand towards the witch, who immediately drew out a knife and a small vial. Caroline noticed her chanting something under her breath as she cut the doppelgänger's hand open with a swift flash of the blade, letting the scarlet blood quickly fill up.

"Perfect," Amelia hummed as she closed the vial when it was filled to the brim. "This will come in handy."

"Great," Katherine tapped her high heel impatiently. "I have places to be and things to do, so can you put that witchy woo into good use already?"

Taking the Ascendent out of her bag, she held it out to the witch, who took it carefully.

"The Coven wont be happy when Malachai is walking around free," Amelia examined the piece of metal. "Luckily for you, i don't abide by nature's law."

With that being said, she took the knife and similarly dragged her palm across the blade, blood dripping onto the Ascendent. The witch began chanting in a language Caroline didn't understand, but it seemed diabolical. Nothing like Bonnie seemed to practice as lightening erupted from above.

"Ready?" Katherine held onto her hand tightly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. A dark cloud had appeared above them, evidence of Amelia's magic working as she began chanting louder.

Caroline couldn't reply, because she suddenly felt an unimaginable force pull her under, her vision suddenly going into darkness.


"I was expecting something much more evil than this."

The Gemini Coven stood where it was supposed to be, still as broken down and eerie as Klaus remembered it to be. He hadn't the best memories stemming back to this place. The only difference he noticed, however, was that the home was visible.

It proved that his Caroline right here. He could practically feel her essence lingering by, no matter how crazy that had sounded. It was something he adored about her, she had the ability to make her presence known in a crowded room.

"There's nothing evil about it, Damon" Elena observes as she stepped out of the car. "Without Kai here, of course."

"Don't know about that" Bonnie said grimly, keeping her distance from the home. "I'm sensing malevolent magic. It means something terrible has happened here."

You lot don't know the half of it Klaus thought as he approached the stairs ascending into the coven. He had heard all to well what Kai Parker had done
here, killing his little siblings in cold blood.

Of course, he was as evil as it gets, but even he couldn't imagine killing the little family he had left. Not permanently, anyways.

"What do you suppose we do now?" Kol spoke lowly. "You don't think the ascendent's still in there, do you?"

Klaus stayed silent, only walking into the abandoned home stiffly. He could only pray that the old piece of metal was still where it was hidden, but even he knew the chances of that were slim.

He immediately made a beeline towards the bedroom where the ascendent was strategically placed, praying to whatever was above for him that it was still there. Praying that the damned thing wasn't in Caroline's hands.

Enemies Of The State : Dark!KlarolineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora