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{10 years ago}

Caroline stood outside the Mikaelson mansion with her nerves as worse as she had ever felt them. She felt nostalgic as the memories of the man she was there for in the first place, flooded her mind. He was so good to her, the complete opposite of what others had seen of him. She smiled at one of them, when Klaus had drawn her a picture of herself next to one of his horses. Caroline still kept it secretly hidden in her drawer away from prying eyes.

Rebekah had asked her why she wanted to talk about her brother, and that she wanted 'nothing to do with him and whatever he has done is non of her concern' but Caroline wouldn't take no for an answer, and being who she is, Rebekah had reluctantly agreed to meet her.

The blonde-haired vampire took a deep breath, and hesitantly walked towards the front door of where Rebekah now resided. She knocked on the door before she could think twice of her actions. This was a risk, coming here whilst her friends were completely oblivious. Caroline knew this, and it was something she was willing to take. Anything to get Klaus out of her head.

She had only raised her hand to knock for the second time when Rebekah Mikaelson opened the door. She was still in her pajama's, and it was almost 4 in the afternoon. Caroline observed the annoyed look on her face as Rebekah grudgingly stepped aside to let her in.

"I assume Nik has done something god-awful for you to be standing here with the intent to speak about him," she scowled. Caroline blinked. She didn't know what to say.

"So?" The Original questioned, a hand on her hip as she waited for her reply "Are you going to tell me what he did or are you just going to stand there?"

"What did Klaus do to you?" Caroline quickly responded in efforts to divert the conversation, "You always go wherever he does."

Rebekah rolled her eyes to this as she made her way towards the kitchen. Caroline subtly followed her. This was a mistake she thought. The Original offered her a blood bag, to which she graciously took. Caroline hadn't fed since yesterday, she was starving.

"I declined Elijiah's offer to come with him to New Orleans," She finally told her "I decided i wasn't going to be Nik's little puppet anymore. He can rot in hell for all i care"

Caroline looked taken aback as she said this. Klaus and her were inseparable, she would've never thought that Rebekah would finally leave him.

"Are you done stalling now? I have things to do today so out with it" Caroline inwardly groaned at Rebekah's instincts.

"He moved away," she finally spit out the words she'd kept inside for so long "That's what he did. It's killing me and i don't know what to do about it, okay?"

Rebekah looked confused as she took in Caroline's words. The baby vampire looked at her wearily as Rebekah's confused expression slowly turned into an amused one.

"Please tell me you don't have a thing for my brother,"

Caroline rolled her eyes, sucking on the blood bag in an effort to not answer the question she herself had been avoiding for so long. She knew she didn't love him, and after the stunt he pulled, she would never know either, but Caroline wasn't about to to give his sister the satisfaction.

"Of course not" She snapped with annoyance. The reason why she came here had came back to her in a flash as she watched the vampire wait impatiently for her answer.

"The reason i came here at all was because i wanted you to give a message to Klaus,"

Rebekah looked intrigued, giving a gesture with her hand for her to continue. "Well then spit it out, i haven't got all day."

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