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{10 years ago}

"To a Klaus free life!,"

Caroline idily stood by in the corner as she watched her friends cheer in the name of freedom. That twisted heart ache came rushing back as soon as she had pushed it to the side, and she could think of a thousand other places she'd rather be.

Elena looked happy, at least. Her friends were safe, at least.

So why did she feel so guilty about wanting what she did? Her eyes shone with numbness at the celebration that came with his disappearance, taking place in front of her as if her friends were oblivious to her emotions about him.

But they are caroline thought bitterly to herself. Klaus was gone and he was never coming back. She yearned to return to her normal, blissful state of mind more than anything, but she couldn't find comfort in anything, not even in her friends happiness. What was it about this ruthless, cold-hearted hybrid killer that she had found so endearing?

"Caroline!" Elena's voice suddenly called out to her, disrupting her thoughts. "Come over here and join the party!"

Caroline shone with a smile as fake as ever as she made her way towards the kitchen. Empty champagne bottles littered the counter, evidence that everyone was having an awfully good time for all the wrong reasons, in her twisted opinion at least. She felt jealous of her friends having a good time, being in a relieved state of mind. Unlike her, who's thoughts were only infected with Klaus Mikaelson.

Caroline's smile was fading as quickly as she had put it on, sipping on a half full champagne bottle that was left of the latter. Stefan Salvatore had noticed her dull expression, quietly approaching her in order to get her to tell him what was wrong. He always saw through her, which she had always hated for this very reason.

Caroline felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around to see the kind hearted salvatore brother. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Stefan questioned her with a raised eyebrow. "It's supposed to be a celebration, y'know"

The blonde vampire quickly concealed her expression with a lively smile, erasing any traces of her real emotions that showed so transparently on her face. "I'm just getting used to Klaus finally being out of our lives for good," Caroline says with her usual bubbly tone. She so desperately wished she sounded genuine enough, you never knew with Stefan. He had a way of seeking out her truth.

But much to her surprise, Stefan gave her a little smile and walked off to the rest of the group. Caroline felt like she stuck out like a sore thumb, this feeling was unnatural to her. She hated it.

So she quickly thought of an excuse to get herself out of this uncomfortably painful situation. My mom's calling me to come home, you know how she can be haha.

She felt Stefan's stare when she told Elena just that. He knew she was off, but caroline gave him the benefit of the doubt. She'd deal with him later. This didn't mean that it was any easier feeling his eyes at the back of her head when she walked out that dreaded door and into the street. She sighed heavily, checking her phone for any signs of him. A text message, a missed call. Nothing.

Caroline just couldn't take it anymore. She wouldn't. She shouldn't have to,

"Fuck this" Caroline said bitterly to herself. She knew what she needed to do to rectify this situation, even if it was the riskiest thing she could do in this position, she just didn't care.

She hastily dialed the number on her phone, bringing it to her ear and waiting impatiently for a certain blonde vampire to answer.

"Whatever it is, i don't have time for it" Rebekah Mikaelson's vivid accent suddenly cut through. Caroline felt her heart race as she thought through exactly what she wanted to say.

"I need to see you" She hesitated, hearing Rebekah impatiently sighing on the other end, signalling her to go on. Caroline took a deep breath before adding the next part.

"It's about your brother."


Klaus Mikaelson had just only entered New Orleans when he wished he had never stepped foot in it in the first place.

"I will kill her and everyone she's ever met" He growled at Elijiah, who seemed as distressed as ever.

Sophie Deveraux was indeed, plotting his death. Using spells from the Original Witch's grimore to find a way to bring down the immortal, all-powerful hybrid. Klaus sought out to put an end to her immediately, but was stopped by his older brother.

"You will do no such thing" Elijiah answers with a controlled tone of voice "I'll see to it Marcel get the job done"

Klaus did not like other people doing his dirty work for him, especially not in cases involving death. It made him feel invaluable, weak. He revelled in killing his enemies, which meant he would make sure he was going to be the one to spill Sophie Deveraux's blood, not Marcel. Damn Elijiah or anybody else who told him otherwise.

"I will be the only one to rip out her heart with my bare hands" He hissed, but he had only barely turned around to do just that when Elijiah took hold of his arm with a tight grip. His expression seemed urgent as Klaus gave him his murderous look that he was quite notorious for when things didn't go his way.

"The witch is linked to Katerina, brother" Elijah says with desperation. "She will die if you lay a hand on her"

Klaus scoffs at Elijah's hopelessness. He'll be damned if Katerina Petrova of all people will stand in his way of getting his revenge.

"I could care less about Katerina, brother" He says with a sinister tone, pulling his arm back harshly "That girl continues to be the bane of my existence, good riddance"

With that being said, Klaus turned around once more to make good on what he had said to Elijah. Killing two birds with one stone. He'd be doing his brother a favour, he thought. Katerina will only break his fragile heart as she had done countless times before with different men. This was no different.

Elijah then called out something that would indeed, make his brother take a step back. This was true, since Klaus suddenly halted in the middle of his path of murder.

"I can't imagine Caroline would enjoy having a stake in her heart, Niklaus" Elijah had said with a sinster tone lacing his words "Then again, she would be a bit pre-occupied being dead to notice"

Klaus turned ever so slowly to face his brother. His face had contorted into a venomous stare, his eyes like daggers as he started into Elijah's with such hostility that even he took a step back.

"You dare threaten her" Klaus spoke lowly with a murderous tone "You dare threaten her as if i can't have your rotting body in a casket anytime i choose"

"Your threats towards me have an emptiness to them, Niklaus" Elijah said with unease "You will not kill Katerina if you do not wish for Caroline to die along with her"

Klaus used his unhuman speed to come face to face with him. He hadn't felt this enraged in quite a while, with his eyes growing dark veins underneath them whilst turning into the golden/yellow many had feared.

"You so much as lay a hand on Caroline" Klaus then came close to his ear, the lapels of his jacket tightly in his fists. "I will ruin you" He calmy said, with revulsion and hostility visibly present in his threat.

The hybrid took a step back then. His brother seemed startled with his words, and Klaus felt as though he should leave him with these words as he flashed away from the scene.

His original plan of murdering the Deveraux witch, and Katherine along with her seemed like a lifetime ago as he stood alone with his thoughts only clouded by Caroline Forbes. Elijah knew what he was doing by threatening one of the only few things that tied him to his wretched humanity.

Klaus himself knew what would happen if Elijah saw to it that Caroline was no longer breathing, and it was for that reason he hoped his threat was menacing enough for him not to. He took a deep breath then, assuring himself that nothing would harm Caroline in the slightest if he had anything to do with it.

The pair of them had no idea of the events that would quite soon occur, and how the aftermath of such events would lead them into something they will never be able to come back from.

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