Christmas Time!

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-4 months later-

Cream POV:

It's almost Christmas! We are all moving back to our old houses for winter break! Everyone is going to see each other again and I hope that they haven't changed at all! We are planning a Christmas party at my house and we are going to spend Christmas there! Today, Amy, Tails, Sonic and I are all getting our stuff ready to stay at my moms for winter!

Amy: I'm ready Cream, how bout you?

Cream: I am too!

Amy had her original red dress, boots and hair band. The only difference is that the hair band had mistletoe on it. I had a orange jacket and blue jeans on with my original shoes on.

We started to head out and there we met Sonic and Tails. Tails had a dark blue sweater on that had white patters in it, he also wore black jeans and his original shoes. Sonic had a blue jacket and jeans along with his original speed shoes. I'm so excited!!!

Me and Tails started dating, I can't wait to tell my mother, while we were walking, which was really impressive that Sonic slowed down with us, school is making him more patient now! We started talking.

Sonic: This year was pretty intense

Amy: Well this is our first time going to actual school.

Sonic: But think about it, on the first day of school, Dark almost came out, our blind date plan didn't go like we wanted, and now I'm dating you and Tails is dating Cream!

Tails: And is that a bad thing?

Sonic: Not the dating part but the other parts yes.

Amy: And now the whole school is scared of us.

Sonic: Sorry.

Cream: It's not you fault Sonic, they were asking for it!

Tails: Since when do you not care about others?

Cream: Don't get me wrong I care for people, it's just to ok to be making fun of people for entertainment.

Tails: What matters is that no one is dead!

Everyone but Tails: DONT TALK LIKE THAT!

Tails: But it's true! Like Sonic admitted he almost went Dark several times this school year!

Cream: Forgive and forget!

We all talked until we got to my mother's house, she gladly let Sonic Tails and Amy sleep at the house till winter is over!

Vanilla: Hello everyone! Welcome, come in come in!

Tails: Thank you for letting us stay with you this winter!

Vanilla: It was my pleasure!

Cream: Oh and mom! I wanted to tell you that me and Tails are not dating!

Vanilla: Congratulations! I knew that Tails would tell you eventually!

Cream: You knew he liked me?

Vanilla: Why of course! He came to me before you left to go to you new homes near the school to ask me how to ask you out!

Tails: Yeah, Sonic was the first I told, then I asked Vanilla on how to ask you out.

Sonic: Unfortunately, I had to blurt it out since the incident.

We all talked until the sun set, we had dinner and went to bed, Sonic slept on the couch insisting that Vanilla slept with me, Tails slept in the guest room and Amy slept in my room. In three days it would be Christmas morning, and in two day we will have our Christmas Eve party!

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