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    The next few days were a blur of despair. I laid in bed, not talking to anyone but Spencer. Occasionally, Emily and Morgan would come by and try to talk to me, convince me to go home for the funeral in two days. I wouldn't speak to them.
    Without Spencer, I probably wouldn't have done anything. I wouldn't have drank water, I wouldn't have eaten food, I wouldn't have survived. But he was constantly there.
    Three days after I heard the news, Morgan came by like he had done the past two days. I stared out the window as he came over, sitting on the edge of my bed.
    "Hey, Andy." I didn't look at him. "Look, I know what it's like to lose someone important to me. My Dad died when I was thirteen and it was hard. Incredibly hard. I get it. And I know this sounds cliche, but Rose wouldn't want you to be here. When my Dad died, I was with my family. I had them to lean on. And yes, Reid is great, sweetheart, but you need to go home. Be with your family. They're grieving, too, and they need you just as much as you need them." I was quiet. "Please, Andy." I turned to him, my eyes red and puffy. He looked concerned.

    Later that night, I packed for my trip, the only time I had gotten out of bed since Spencer brought me home. As much as I protested that I would be fine by myself, Hotch insisted that Spencer go with me and that we take the jet.
    We left early in the morning, around four thirty, and the plane felt so empty that my thoughts echoed too loudly in my head. The flight was only a little over an hour and was barely enough time to prepare myself to see my family.
    Spencer and I rented a car and drove into Forest Hills and I looked out the window, admiring all the beautiful houses that I had grown up around.
    "Did you know that-" Spencer stopped himself. I turned to him.
    "What?" I asked, slightly curious. Anything to take my mind off of what was going to happen next was worth it.
    "Did you know that Spider Man actually was from Forest Hills in the comics? However, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they never specify where in Queens Peter Parker is from." His voice was much more quiet and less excited than it usually was when he told me fun facts and I turned to him and gave him a small smile.
    "Thank you for coming." He turned to face me.
    "Of course." I sighed, looking out the window. I pulled up to my house and sighed, looking around. My house looked like many on the block: all brick, tudor - like homes with bright green grass and pretty gardens out front.
    I hadn't been home in a while, and this was certainly not the way I wanted to be going home. I sighed again. "Come on," I said, slamming the door. I grabbed our suitcases and handed Spencer his and we walked up to the front door. I took a deep breath and knocked twice.
    The door opened pretty quickly and my mother stood behind it, her eyes puffy as a silent stream of tears slid down her face.
    "Oh, Andy," She cried, wrapping me in a hug. I hugged her back, closing my eyes and letting her squeeze me tighter. I let go after a minute and stepped back, looking at Spencer.
    "Um, Mom, this is..." I wasn't sure what to say. Was Spencer my boyfriend?
    "I'm Dr. Spencer Reid, I'm a colleague of Andy's." He introduced himself, putting his hand out to shake. She shook it back. "I'm very sorry that we have to meet under these unfortunate circumstances." My mom nodded, not saying anything.
    "Are you two staying in the same room?" She asked, and I turned to him.
    "Yes." I said quickly, and she nodded.
    "We're having dinner around seven. Will you two be joining us?" I nodded.
    "Come on, Spencer, I'll show you my room." I grabbed my mom's shoulder and squeezed before walking past her with Spencer close behind. I brought him up the stairs, walking through the hallway and stopping at my door.
    I hadn't been in my childhood room in a long time, but it was exactly how I left it. "Are you okay?" Reid asked me as I looked around.
    "No," I answered, dropping my suitcase and moving to a corkboard with photos of my friends and I on the side of my room. "But I don't think I ever will be." 

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