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Since Emily and Morgan were more experienced, I let them take the lead as well as sit in the front seats of the car. I always felt left behind in the back, even as a child. I always felt that people could have their own conversations without even remembering you were there.
    Morgan and Emily did a pretty good job of including me despite this fact. They asked me how I was doing and how I liked the B.A.U. which I answered with nods and little "yes" or "no"s. The car ride was short since we headed right over to the first victim's home after making a quick stop at the police department. The town was small, not too spread out with a population of a little over one thousand. The police department was a direct representation of that with only a few officers in a small lot.
    When we arrived at the house, I noticed it was considerably larger than the others around it. "This is the place?" I had asked, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
    "This is it." Morgan said, heading towards the house. He knocked on the door, leaning against the house. We waited a long minute before the door was opened by a pretty woman who looked exactly like Brianna. Her eyes were red and puffy and she looked tired as if she hadn't slept for a while.
    "Hi, we're Agents Morgan, Prentiss and Miller with the FBI." He flashed his badge and Emily and I did the same. "We're here to ask you some questions about your daughter." The woman simply nodded, opening the door wider to let us in.
    "Can I get you anything? Coffee, water?" She offered as she sat down on the couch. Emily sat down, too, but Morgan and I both stood. I looked around the house as Morgan started the questioning.
    The house was incredibly lived in. It was somewhat messy with bright blue walls and thousands of photos of Brianna. Brianna's sixth birthday party, Brianna on her bike, Brianna starting high school, Brianna with her friends, it was endless.
    While I did my best to listen to what Morgan and Prentiss were saying, my main focus was what was around me and what I was seeing.
    "Where's Brianna's father?" I asked, staring at a smiling photo of the two of them camping in the wilderness.
    "He's working." Mrs. Price said, to which I turned around. "His job, it's a big one. I think burying himself in the work just... helps him not think about Brianna." Her voice hitched on the last word and Emily did her best to soothe her.
    When we were done, we thanked Mrs. Price for her help and were on our way. We were silent until we got into the car.
    "Poor woman." Prentiss sighed, buckling her seatbelt. Morgan and I stayed quiet as we headed out on the road.
    "Where next?" I asked, watching the houses roll by.
    "Adam Carpenter's house. We're going to talk to his mother." Emily answered. I could see the file in her lap.
    "What about the father?" Morgan asked.
    "I don't think he's around anymore." Emily said quietly. Morgan's face twitched as if a single mother struck close to home, but this wasn't the time to profile him.
    The house that Ms. Carpenter lived in was much tinier than the Price's home but considerably cleaner. She sat in a large chair, cup of tea in hand. Once again, Emily and Morgan did the questioning and I stayed quiet for the most part, looking around the house.
    "Was Adam an only child?" I asked. His mother turned to me, surprised that I actually spoke.
    "Yes. His father... His father left when Adam was just two and I never remarried." I nodded, taking in this information.
    When we finally reached the last house, it was much darker with no word from Hotch or JJ or Reid. The Sutton's house was the nicest out of the three. It was inviting on the outside and beautiful on the inside, all brick interior with greens and whites.
    This time, both of her parents sat in front of us, the father looking distant while the mother cried silently. We did the same until about halfway when a phone chirped. I looked down at my own, embarrassed if it was mine, but it was Mr. Foster's. He took out his phone, gave a look to his wife and left the room to answer it.
    "Business." She answered quickly. "You know how it is." My eyes narrowed. This was the second time that one of the parents had to leave the room to answer a business call or had some business to attend to.
    "I'll be right back." I said, exiting the room and stepping outside. I picked up my phone, dialling Garcia quickly. It only rang once before she picked up.
    "This is the honorable Garcia speaking, who do I owe the pleasure?" I smiled.
    "Garcia, it's me." She gasped.
    "Is that my new nickname?" I laughed.
    "Obviously. How can I be of service, cupcake?"
    "I need you to find out where Lou Price and Michael Sutton work." I heard vigorous typing on the other side of the phone.    
    "Okay, it seems that they both work for Turnkey Condominiums. They're a company that puts up condos in small towns to help generate revenue and bring people in." She told me.
    "Does Willa Carpenter work there, too?" I asked.
    "She does." There's a moment of silence. If the victim's parents all worked together, was that the connection? That still didn't get us any closer to finding out who the unsub was. Garcia winced audibly.
    "Looks like they closed a couple businesses in town to make room for the condos."
    "Which ones?"
    "A department store, a restaurant, and a hobby shop. Seems like the hobby shop had been there for over fifty years. Family owned business."
    "After his father died, Gary Clemenson took over and worked there ever since it closed. Maybe that's your guy."
    "Thanks, Garcia."
    "No problem, sugar." I headed back inside the house, slipping my phone in my pocket.
    "Morgan? Prentiss?" They turned to look at me. "I think I found our unsub."
    "Are you sure it's him?" Morgan had asked me as we got in the car, racing towards the police department.
    "He fits the bill," I said. "Recent stressor right before the first victim went missing. If this was all the guy had, and all three of these kids were only children, it seems like he was trying to get back at these families and take away the only thing they had."
    Everyone was waiting for us when we got there. The detective working with us was younger than I was and barely seemed eligible to be a cop or do anything involving police work.
    "Our unsub has to be Gary Clemenson." I said, clutching my file.
    "Gary Clemenson?" One of the older cops interjected. "It can't be Gary." Hotch turned to him.
    "You know him?"
    " 'Course. This is a small town. Everyone knows everyone." He answered plainly.
    "Has Gary been acting strange recently? Reclusive even? Anything odd at all?" Reid questioned. The police officer thought long and hard on it.
    "He lost his business recently. Ever since, he's been acting kind of... mean. He used to be really nice to everyone, but now he stays home. He has someone deliver his groceries to him so he doesn't have to go out."
    "Who?" Emily asked. The cop shrugged.
    "Some kid. Girl named Molly. Molly Sutton." I looked at Reid, who shared a panicked look back.
    "Shit." Morgan whispered.
    "We have to go." Rossi said, heading towards the doors. JJ, Reid, Prentiss and I huddled into a black SUV, heading towards his house which was on the outskirts of town.
    It was dark, grungy and altogether ugly, blending in with the dirt due to its dark brown color. I pulled my hair back in a low ponytail, vest on, gun ready. We got out of the SUV and slowly surrounded the house, Hotch and Rossi taking the lead. Prentiss, JJ and Morgan followed shortly after and Reid and I followed them. The house was a complete mess. You could barely see the floor in a sea of dirty clothes, paper and old toys and pizza boxes. JJ and Morgan went one way while Hotch and Prentiss went another. Reid, Rossi and I stayed in the main part of the house, looking around.
    I tripped backwards on an old soda can and bumped into a wall, which caved in, revealing a hidden hallway. Rossi and Reid ran over, helping me up.
    "You okay?" Reid asked. I nodded, thanking myself for not bumping into anything else and ruining the case altogether. Rossi went first, Reid after, me last. The hallway was incredibly narrow, so cramped that you could barely put your arms out.
    "Gary Clemenson!" Rossi shouted, turning down the hallway. "We know you're here." The hallway split in two, one with a room, the other a longer hallway. Rossi turned to us. "You two stick together. I'll go down there." Reid nodded.
    "Be careful." Rossi nodded, heading down the hallway, calling the name once again. Reid cautiously opened the door, revealing a boiler room. I pulled out a flashlight, putting my gun back where I had it, knowing that Reid had my back. I closed the door to find Molly Sutton, sitting in the corner, duct tape over her mouth. Her eyes were stained with tears and she looked so frightened that it frightened me.
     I heard a gunshot and immediately turned to Reid. He turned towards the sound and then back at me. "Go," I told him. "Go see what that was. I got her." He didn't say anything, just nodded, and turned towards the hallway where Rossi was.
    I bent down next to Molly who continued to cry as I gently ripped the tape off her mouth.
    "It's okay," I soothed, hugging her. Her hair was matted with blood and I could feel her shaking. "He can't hurt you. It's okay." I heard loud footsteps and turned as Morgan and JJ entered the room in a hurry. They looked at me, and I nodded to let them know I was fine before Morgan went bounding down the halls to check on Rossi and Reid. JJ came over next to me.
    "Come on, let's get her out of here."

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