Sinister Silence.

Start from the beginning

"That's exactly right, I'm just as stumped on this as you are, I don't even understand why I'm getting these visions let alone anything else." I squeeze my eyes shut and pinch the bridge of my nose, as frustration and confusion settles over me.

"Do you think we should go? Is it worth it?" Elijah asks running his hand soothingly back and forth across my forearm. I bite my lip really hard taking this in to consideration for a moment, if we don't go that family will be killed, I don't doubt that, but that leaves the possibility that we may be getting ourselves killed by heading into the city.

"There was a baby, we would be saving a baby and we would have a gun too, which really would help us against these things." I look over at Eli, trying to gauge his reaction, sense what he may be feeling towards all this.

He seems just as confused as I am about it and we sit in silence for a moment just thinking it through.

"I think we should go, like you said there is a baby involved and two other lives at stake, plus we would be getting a gun for ourselves." I nod my head in consideration, knowing this is a rather big risk we are taking.

I lean into Elijah, his arms surrounding me in a tight and loving embrace, leaving me to sigh softly, as I come to terms with what we are about to do.


The trek back into the large decimated city of Brisbane is rather chilling, the silence that laid over the ruins the other day is still here, like all the life and joy had left this once bustling city. I guess in a way it did, the horrors that must have gone on here as innocents were bombed as the Manic probably overrun the streets.

Bombing obviously failed though, it just killed valuable lives, whole families wiped out in seconds. The pale terrified faces of my family force their way into my thoughts but I quickly shut them out, now certainly wasn't the time for such grief.

I quicken my pace to keep in step with Elijah, I slide my hand into his, finding comforting in the warm strong hold he takes of my hand. I tighten my grasp as we move further into the streets, our footsteps muted by the ash and dirt on the concrete.

I look up at Elijah briefly, he seems to be scanning every possible direction, I notice then that he doesn't have the baseball bat with him and I almost want to panic now that we are down another object to protect ourselves. It dawns on me then though that I don't recall seeing the bat in my vision either, only the gun and my blades.

I let myself remain calm knowing that if anything bad were to happen before finding the gun I surely would have foreseen it, although I'm still not confident how or why I'm able to see into the future to begin with.

The summer sun sits high in the sky, causing the both of us to sweat and pant from the heat, with most of the buildings barely recognisable there aren't too many places to find shade, few stores we thought we may be able to get into seemed unwise on second thought. They may crumble whilst we are inside, other buildings we had seen and heard do just that, or the Manic may catch us off guard.

The only Manic we had come across so far were in the distance and had since disappeared by the time we get close to where they were. I was growing more uneasy as time went on. Night fall seemed to be creepy up on us as I checked Eli's watch for the millionth time that day it was early noon and still no sigh of the gun or the young damned family.

Maybe I had missed something? Maybe this isn't how my visions worked at all, just because it had in the past doesn't mean that it would now. Those thoughts quickly disappear though as we come across army equipment small things like crates and bags. Soon enough though we had found what seemed to be an army base of sorts, one that was quickly put together, the eerie part being that there was no one to be seen.

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