The Beginning.

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I wait patiently in the shopping market line, collecting the last minute supplies before I travel across Australia by myself. I wasn't sure this day was ever going to come along, I was sure my parents would lock me home to stop their Babygirl from leaving.

This is my dream though and they must understand, that holding me back would do me no good, that I need to experience life for myself. I'm travelling from Adelaide to a small town in the Northern parts of Queensland.

It may not seem worth it to some, but a very special man lives there and I'm desperate to meet him. My long distance boyfriend, it's the first time we'll ever be meeting, he's been making preparations for my arrival for about a month now. Completely unnecessary of course, but I appreciate the thought none the less.

I finish up in the store, not liking to linger near people anymore since the Covid-19 outbreak last year. No one has been sick with it in months but social distancing is still a thing everyone goes by.

As I leave I spot the notice board that's recently been put up, every major store now has one. Every inch of it lined with a missing poster, some even over lapping. I sigh at the board, this year was meant to be better, society went from being struck down by illness to mysterious disappearances.


I pack the last of my stuff into my Suzuki Jimny, I can hear my mother sniffling softly as she put the sizable cooler bag into the front seat, having made me lunch and dinner for the first night for me.

"Mum, stop. I'm going to fine okay. There's nothing to worry about, I'll call you every night to let you know I'm okay. Unless I don't have service of course." I wrap her up into a hug, hoping she's not going to make a scene and force me to stay.

"I know, you need to do this. It's just my Baby is all grown up now." She sobs a little more.

"Mum I've been grown up for years now, me going now doesn't change that." I guide her into my fathers arms to calm her down for me.

"Got your knives and bat, Kiddo." He asks reminding me again today for the hundredth time.

"Yes, Dad. I have them, in reachable places in case of an emergency. I will be fine." I give them both a hug and climb into my car, giving a small wave as I drive away. I sigh heavily, they didn't have to make me feel guilty for this, I'm finally doing something that makes me happy.

I know everyone is on edge because of the disappearances but at this rate I will by too old to do anything with all the drama that's been happening in the world lately.

I turn on the radio and connect my phone up to it, playing my favourite tunes, the nerves disperse pretty quickly as I get further away from home and closer to my man.


By nightfall I had made it to a quiet little town just inside the South Australian border about to cross over into Queensland.

The chill in the air has me rugged up like an eskimo, I start a little fire knowing there's no ban.

Jeez I forgot how damn cold it can get out in the middle of no where.

I tap my bond touch bracelet and frown when nothing happens, I check my phone and see I have no service. I should have worked that out sooner, but it would have been nice to feel Elijah on my first night.

Heating up dinner had my tummy rumbling this will be the only night I have my mother's cooking. I sigh heavily almost having second thoughts about all this, but I have come too far just to turn back. I need to do this, I need to see him. Jitters of excitement pass through me and I smile broadly, biting my lip out of habit.

The Outbreak. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora