10. No More Goodbyes

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Rivia: Ajayib, Town of Central Rivia, Elianna's Residence

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Rivia: Ajayib, Town of Central Rivia, Elianna's Residence


After breakfast, Arell went out into the courtyard chasing after butterflies near the lilac bushes until he saw Mother and Father walking towards his direction. When both of them settled down on a seat near the area and he knew he had lost his chance to sneak his way back into the house. He really didn't mean to eavesdrop but the moment his father mentioned that he would never return, a sudden surge of emotions rose in him. Using his small arms, he pushed himself to stand and revealed himself from his hiding spot. 

"Arell?" Father turned towards him in surprise, calling out to him when he first spotted him standing from behind the bushes. The corner of his lips dropped into a sad frown and he tightened his small hands into fists as he glared at his father. 

"Mea lux?" Mother asked softy and he noted the sadness in her voice. 

"You're going to abandon us again," Arell accused, feeling the tears rolling down his cheeks as he fought with the anger in him. Feelings of betrayal and resentment quickly overwhelmed him and he pivoted his feet towards the direction into the house, running as fast as he could. On the way, his small shoulder bumped into Thunder's thigh. 

"Watch where you're heading, little one," Thunder laughed but Arell wasn't in the mood to come up with a witty retort. Steadying himself, he side-stepped and continued to run without looking back until he reached back into his quarter and locked the door. 

The child sat on the carpet, all curled up into a ball. His head dropped low and cried sadly. It was the first time in his life that he ever felt so upset and he didn't understand why. 


"He ran back into the house," Rowan said to Elianna, who is now frantic when she heard Arell's scurrying footstep as he ran away. 

"I'll go and find him." She quickly stood from the seat, turning without hesitation. 

His hand shot out to grab onto her arm, holding her back. She faced him with a curious expression on her face, and in a calm voice, he spoke, "Please let me do that, love. I need to talk to him." 

"Will you be okay?" she worried. 

"I know that I wouldn't be okay if our son hates me," he gave a light-hearted laugh, trying to conceal the nervousness in his heart. Arell hadn't been very accepting of him and this misunderstanding between them stacked the hurdle higher. Closing his eyes, he swallowed a sigh before holding Elianna close to him and he offered, "Let me bring you back into the house first. The temperatures are rising and it's better to go into the shade." 

He held onto her hand and walked with her into the house from the courtyard. Then, he politely asked from Kiran to show him the way to Arell's quarter. He knocked and announced from outside, "Arell, it's me. Could you please open the door?" 

3. Blooddebt | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang