Black Market

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Kai's P.O.V

Ok so...Bad news and probably a bad idea...(Shiloh Dynasty reference!) So we ended up at the black market and this dude was selling some of his fingers well not some I mean all of his fingers. I half of the crew looking at the poor man while me and Legoshi just stood there looking at the greedy bastards. "Guys stop!" I yell getting disgusted at the sight before me. "What are you guys doing, get away from him!" I yell and they look at me "What do you mean. Don't you want a little taste of this guys fingers. They are cheap." Tiger says (I don't remember the names!) I then shove him hard that his back hits the wall "Get the fuck away from me! Let the poor guy live longer!" I say "But you can't help it. I mean look at us were carnivores and look at the place were at." Some dude says and I look at them tears running down my face "Is this what life is..." I mumble.

Legoshi's P.O.V

Kai mumbled something but then started to shout "IS THIS WHAT LIFE IS! IS THIS WHAT CARNIVORES REALLY WANT OUT OF LIFE!!" She yells and starts running away from us. I couldn't blame her I understand "Legoshi go after her!" and I look at the group and think 'Were just a bunch of monsters!' I think and run after Kai.


Legoshi's P.O.V

She passed out. The smell must've overwhelmed her, I see her drool on the floor she was trying to contain herself I picked up off the floor and run somewhere far away from this place. For a tough and strong girl she really is light! Surprise after surprise, she actually looks really pretty in my arms- wait...Did I really just think that? No no she won't fall for you, your just another wolf...Just another monster in the crowd like she'd fall for a pathetic person like me. Alright...I found a hotel...But it's a love hotel...It was the only cheap one I could find. I booked a room and lay her on a bed. I slept on the floor even though I've slept with her before, it would feel weird because she's not awake telling me that I could actually sleep with her. 

*TS to ze morning!*

Kai's P.O.V

I jolted up from a bed? 'How the hell did I get into a bed?' I think to myself, I'm in the black market anymore and I'm not in my dorm room but this smell and the design of this place...Is this




I then get off the bed and see Legoshi I smile and pick him up just to lay him down on the bed. I walk to the bathroom and change my clothes that were in my bag. I always pack extras just in case. You never know. I get out of the bathroom to see Legoshi awake "Hey good morning!" I say and he looks at me "You scared me I thought you left." he says and I go sit next to him "Never...Did you bring me here?" I ask and he looks at me then back down at the floor "Well thank you...I really appreciate it." I say and I hug him which caught him by surprise. "Anyways. I still have money in my bag so we should get going." I say to Legoshi but before I even got up I got a call from Haru. 

'Hey Haru.' I say slightly worried

'Where are you 2. It's like you guys vanished!'

'Were coming right now. We'll be there before you know it.' I say and hang up

"Well lets go. Hopefully its not to busy." I say and wait for Legoshi to follow me. "So were are we going exactly?" he asks me and I just continue walking "Were going to get some food and walk fastly home...You have stamina right?" he nods at my question and I smirk "Well hustle up sweet cheeks. Were running home!" I say and even though I'm not facing him I can sense that his eyes had widened. "Yep that's why we're getting food first!" I say clearly excited for food (Honestly...Doesn't get excited when there's food!) we arrived at some marketplace with food stalls around "Alright...Here go get what you want. I'll get what I want. You'll see me at a table." I say and hand him some money.  

Legoshi's P.O.V

I nod a little and she leaves me alone to get food...I see a near noodle store and go order some food. She gave a little to much money so I had some change to give to Kai. I then get my food and see her at a table for 2. She waves at me with a smile  and I sit down with her and we begin eating. I only see her with Ice-cream Mochi "Is that all your eating?" I ask out of the blue "Well...I need sugar. I run on sweets so I run faster." she explains and I  nod "Is that all you need though?" she asks while pointing at my bowl "Yeah...I don't really eat much..." I say and we continue to eat in silence.


Kai's P.O.V

We finish eat and Imma be honest...I was energized...But Legoshi was still tired so I lifted him up on my shoulders and held him by the legs safely and secure...This is a safe idea...Right. "Hang on tight Legoshi...Cause...I don't want a dead friend by the time we get back to school ok." I say and he nods and I get ready and start sprinting a little slow but eventually I gradually go faster and fast. And honestly who am I kidding...I just ran home with Legoshi on my back. And I didn't he was that heavy until I put him down. My back was ACHING. But we made back to school. Luckily at 3 in the morning. And to tell the truth I fell asleep on the floor.

I will do the rest in the next chapter. But I am making well I did make a new book. It's haikyuu x reader scenarios. I'd be happy if you could read it. But then again have fun reading!

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