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To the people reading this. I would like to thank you for reading it but I would also like you to take this as an importance notice.

I want every person reading this to know that black lives matter, and you can agree. But posting it on Instagram snap chat twitter etc. Isn't going to make the situation any better. Because what is happening in America right now is disgusting.

I am hurt at the fact that they are clearly arresting, abusing and killing black people to be specific MEN for no reason. And here I thought police were supposed to protect us I was wrong. Most policemen in America is mainly white. (I'm not trying to offend white people) But knowing that there are still racial problems in the world is just hurtful. I am offended by Donald Trump 3 or 4 policemen were beating and choking a black man and Donald Trump just downright made fun of it. And the people of America call him there president.

So please feel free to stand up against racist people. Because there are many black citizens getting murdered by people we thought were the innocent.



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