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I couldn't believe it. We were finally doing it.
I leaned in closer, until our lips were an inch away from each other, my mouth parting slightly, excited to be able to savor the kiss...

The door slammed open, Hester and I jolted, a milimetre apart. She drew back quickly, standing up to greet the intruder.

Elle strutted in, dress navy blue, azure butterfly pin glinting, heels sparkling, two guards flanking her. She made herself at home, sitting down on our sofa and snapping her fingers at me to make her a a cup of coffee. I stayed in position, Hester unmoving, as Elle's cherry-red lips curled, revealing a tiny gap between her teeth.

"What do you want!" I growled, furious that this woman had ruined our chance at love our chance at going home, a chance of escaping this goddamned place...

Hester and I hadn't considered that Elle had other plans.

"I said what. Do. You. Want." I snarled, jumping to my feet and glaring at her. Elle only cocked a brow, and in that split second, I swore her pin twitched. She waved her hand, shooing the guards out, and turned back to us. "Why did you have to come in at that exact moment, Elle?" Hester snapped, her face a mask.

"Well, do you think I'm stupid enough not to put cameras in every single room? If you were smart, you'd have scouted for that instead of whining about your little lost kiss that you've been longing for six years since you met at the School for Good and Evil," Elle purred as she ruffled her hair so we could see the chestnut roots glinting through.

I inhaled deeply. Hester looked taken aback. "You-you know us? From the past?" she spluttered. Elle leaned in teasingly, grinning. That smile seemed so familiar. I hadn't studied her closely till now. "Look a bit closer, dear."

I stared. Hester stared. Until we saw the hints. The puzzle pieces. The clues that were always there, left unseen. Until now.

The tiny gap between her teeth. The devilish smile that was so familiar. The chestnut hair, dyed black. Her name that was an old enemy's alias. And most importantly, the blue butterfly that was the key clue.

It was right there, all along.

Evelyn Sader.

A Witching Of Time [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now