The End-Hester

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I hugged Anadil tightly, watching the jagged hole we had made in the pavement (or in the cells, ceiling) seal up tightly and the cracks vanish magically, leaving no hint or damage. We embraced, Anadil squeezing me tight, and I totally forgot we were sitting in a dumpster. Like I even cared at this point. Then I remembered.

I pulled away sharply, Anadil's face turning from joy to sadness. She thought I was rejecting her again.
"Oh Anadil, don't look like that. Are we going home or not?" I sighed, running a hand through her white hair.
She brightened and grasped my arms tightly, brushing dirt off my face gently. I leaned in eagerly. And we did it.

This time, no more mistakes.

We kissed for the first time, lips finally meeting, and it was like fireworks had gone off in my head. It was like I had eaten my candy house. It was like Evelyn's butterflies had lifted me up in the air, carefree and wild. I closed my eyes to savor the moment, trying to capture the scene in my mind and lock it away for no one else but me to admire and keep and see. It was nothing like I had ever felt. I held her tighter, feeling us lift off to the sky, up to the clouds and sun, returning home to the Endless Woods, where we would have fame, glory and love, being the first Never After of them all. As long as I was with her, we could go anywhere. Anadil kissed me harder, hugged me tighter, as we bid farewell to this strange world and went home, basking in the warmth of the sun.
𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘮𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦. 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦. 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘈𝘯𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘭. I thought, chuckling a little, my lips still against Anadil's, both if us refusing to break apart.

I had my eyes shut, but it was obvious that the glow of the sun had disappeared. Our bare feet landed silently in a strange yet beautiful dark world. A huge obsidian palace loomed overhead, moon casting a silver glow on the dark stone, while the piece of land seeming to stretch endlessly. Willows drooped on the sides of a blood red river, trickling along peacefully. A raven cawed loudly overhead, and bats flapped their wings, welcoming us in a neat formation. It was perfect, and yet I felt uneasy somehow. I opened my eyes, taking in everything, pulled away from our kiss and held her hand tightly, looking around in confusion. "Where is this?"
Anadil didn't look scared at all. Instead, she was smiling blissfully, clasping my arm.

"It's the end of our fairy tale. This is Nevermore, Hester."

Finally, we would live. Live in solitude and peace. Live in a world where Never After existed, solely for us to enjoy alone. Live in a world where Anadil would be my queen, and I hers.
As if the strange land heard my thoughts, our bodies shimmered with a red aura, magically transforming our filthy tracksuits from the Assassins' Guild to flowing, dark gowns that trailed after us. Long, sharp hunting knives in sheaths magically appeared on our backs, the tips dripping blood quietly. Spiked black crowns, just like the one Sophie used to wear, landed gently on our heads, and our appearances began to change in a flourish.
Anadil's ruby eyes glowed brighter, as if they were suns, glinting devilishly at me. The light from her pupils glowed brighter, brighter, which should have blinded me, but I didn't react, the glow not harming me at all. Three large rats grew next to her, and her white hair flowed, longer, longer, until she was beautiful. This goddess before me, my Anadil.

My own face smoothed, color returning to my colorless face, and my eyes became pools of black night, full of darkness. My red streaks disappeared and shimmered into red sparks in the air, forming a large demon, the size of a dragon. My aura glowed even brighter, and my now black hair flowed and entwined for a few seconds with Anadil's. The red skinned demon, giant sized, grasped us by the collars and threw us on its back, flying up into dark clouds. On the monster's back, we kissed again, tasting the warmth of each other's lips, black silk gowns flowing behind us like a sea and queens' spiked crowns glinting in the moonlight. Now this was it. Our destiny.

I pulled apart gently and willed my new power to form two small silver objects. Anadil gasped as I slipped the ring on her finger, the metal engraved with mysterious symbols, as she took mine from my glowing palm and put it on my hand. We smiled blissfully, my demon roaring and shooting a blast of black fire at the air, like a tribute to the new rulers of darkness and power.

Our true Never After. The Queens of Evil.

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