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lets listen to the stars, we just traveled through mars.

NIGHTIME IN SEOUL was a favorite for min yoongi. the mint-haired boy stepped out the door of his apartment complex at exactly midnight, his feet carrying him to the nearest park. he sat on the bench, clothes soaking up all the rain water, eyes closed, the grass aroma filling his nostrils. this was serenity for yoongi.

"excuse me? sir? do you need an umbrella?"

a raven-haired boy appeared as he opened his eyes, curiosity radiated off the younger. yoongi obviously wasn't having it, as his only time to himself was interrupted by what looks like a child looking for his mother.

"no, the whole point of me coming outside was to get wet."

"well, i'm still gonna put an umbrella over your head because without one you'll get a cold!"

"this child is persistent" yoongi thought to himself, the boy sat next to the elder.

"kid just go back to your fucking mother! what are you even doing out this late at night?"

"i am not a kid!" the child huffed in annoyance, "for your information, i am sixteen!"

"sixteen! six-fucking-teen!" yoongi let out the most genuine laugh he's had in a while.

"you cannot be sixteen!"

"do you need me to prove it to you? i doubt you're any older than me!"

"i'm seventeen, you should still respect me as i am still older than you!"

"wowie, the big seventeen, i'm so scared."

"what's your name grandpa?"

"do not call me grandpa! my name is yoongi, min yoongi."

"jeon jungkook, pleased to meet you." jungkook stepped out of the wooden bench, placing himself in front of yoongi, almost bowing in front of him while sticking his hand out. as yoongi was taught to, he took his hand of his pocket, and slapped the raven's hand away.

"why do come out at midnight to sit in the park with no umbrella?"

"because kid, people have different ways of thinking. this is my way."

"what are you thinking about?"


"such as?"

"things you wouldn't know about yet."

in reality, yoongi wanted to tell jungkook everything that was running through his mind. but, he had just met the boy, at least spare him this time.

jungkook rummaged through his pocket only to find his phone, "1:30" glaring off the screen. had they really been there for an hour? the ravenette looked at the mint-haired boy, yoongi knew what jungkook was going to say.

"go, i'll be fine."

"can we exchange numbers?"

he's never done this before, meeting a new person, now exchanging phone numbers? all of this was foreign for him. he decided to take the leap of fate,


"i'll see you next time grandpa."

"sure you will."

contact name changed to, "grandpa 💕"
contact name changed to, " kid."

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