Chapter 11 ~ BURN

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I know I'm like a month or so late on this guys... I'm sorry.... but HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2015 has been treating you good so far, :) it has for me! Anyways, message me if you wanna talk! I'm always up for it!

p.s. since it is a snow day... :D


Chapter 11

Dawn's POV

I ran... as fast as I could, as far as I could. I didn't want to be near 'them.' Like for heavens sake! I almost blew their heads off with the 'blot' thing I shot from MY hands!

I ran while crying, it seemed like the only thing to do at the moment. I didn't notice how fast I was running until I was already of the other side of the campus.

This 'wing' of the campus is where all the training happens. It's also where they introduced to Luke again, after I thought he was dead... but, its also where we trained earlier together. Long hours, heavy work outs, lots of smiles and laughs shared that were all missed.

I slowly walked into the cold, empty, lonely room; I closed the door behind me then walked into the middle. I let out a scream, full of anger, confusion, sadness, etc. I threw my hands up, grabbing my hair- almost ripping it out- and started to smash my head on the floor. It didn't hurt, nothing did anymore.

After I was finished my temper tantrum, I stood up and took a deep breath... but I didn't keep me calm for long.

I kept screaming, throwing my hands in all directions, letting all the anger out while watching as the sharp yellow flames hit every where in the room. .I ran around, shooting random things- throwing my hands in all directions. To be honest, this did help me feel... better, you could say, but it also just confused me.

After running around for a few, I stood in the middle of the room again, alone, my hands burned like hell. I now had shard of melted plastic and other substance in my feet, oh! And I was still crying, but more than normal this time.

I looked at my bloody hands, then a light flickered on.

"Dawn..." A male voice called me. I looked up briefly and saw Tony.

"What are YOU doing here?!" I growled through gritted teeth.

"Looking for YOU!" he spat back.

"Why? You don't have to care for me anymore!"

"And why is that?" he said putting his hands on his hips sassy.

"Because..... You let him go..." I said low.

"Pardon me?" he said while laughing, he placed a hand to his ear and leaned forward.

"YOU LET HIM GO, TONY! HOW COULD YOU!" I screamed as I saw my hair go up in bright flames my hands started to tingle, and soon there was small flames appearing.

"Leave right now, Tony, please." I said calm while shaking.


"LEAVE! I don't want you to see this!" I said as more tears came out.

"No, I'm not leaving!" he said slowly jogging towards me.

"NO!" I yelled as I threw up a 'flame wall' in front of me to prevent him for coming closer. The wall slowly died down and I said once more...

"Leave, now."

"But Dawn..."

"AAAHHHHH!!" I high pitched screamed drawing fire everywhere until I saw Tony had left and closed the door.

Once he was out I could actually put the whole place in flames... and that's what I did.

I threw fire everywhere, made sure every spot was touched, I ran to the middle, and lit myself up in flames to. But of course it didn't hurt, nothing affected me.

"Luke, baby, Where'd they take you?!... Where are you?!..." I cried, placing my head in my hands for a few seconds.
"AHHHH!" I screamed shooting one final blast that lit everything up, while burning everything.

... Except me.

Tony's POV

She threw a flame wall. She burned the place. She screamed in pain.

"Oh Dawn..." I said while placing my head in my hands... "why?! Why?! WHy?! WhY?! WHY?!" I screamed punching the ground repeatably.

"Why did it have to be her?! Why couldn't she get a nice power! Like, to shoot rainbows from her hands, or, or to have amazing dance skills or something good!" I was talking to myself again.

I paced the hallways now, not setting and inch past the door frames, I looked down at me feet standing in front of the door.

But I was pulled out of my thoughts by seeing a bright light from under the door shine through the bottom crack. I stood on my tiptoes to look through the small glass window to see what happened, isn't it great that for me, I couldn't see nothing! ...So I ran in.

The bright and hot flames were dying down slowly, they once grew then shrunk again revealing Dawn on her knees, head in her hands, crying. She kneeled in the center of the mat, her clothes were blackened, her hair slowly fading from red back to a light brown coloure, she was slowly returning normal again.

"...Dawn... Are you ok?" I said sitting close to her. She didn't say anything, she didn't even move a finger.

"...Can I sit down beside you?" I asked, she nodded briefly.

"What's wron-" she sniffled. "Wrong with me-" cough "Me, Tony?" she looked up at me with pleading eyes, hoping I had the answer.

Just to be clear,... I didn't in any way.

"And don't say nothing wrong with me because there is if I can do this," she said gesturing all around her.

"Dawn of course theres nothing wrong with you! What do you mean?"

"I mean, look around us! Look at hat I've just done! What I had just became! Tony, that's not normal, mo other kid in the orphanage could do that!"


"Tony, I'm not ok. I've only ever gotten like this once, but I was to little to even understand...."

"You've done this before...?"

"Yes, that's what I've just said."

"When? How? What happened?"

"Well.... it started off a weekend in may..."

Tony Starks/ Iron Mans Daughter.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora