Chapter 51 - Adoption

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Maddie POV:
I woke up bright and early for our appointment with child services. It's been a week since we made the decision we wanted to adopt, and our families are both supportive of our decision.

Elena and I were in the car driving to the social services office, we were a bit nervous, we both really wanted to be parents.

When we got there the social services lady, Susan, was talking to us about adoption. She explained its a difficult, kids come from different backgrounds, and it can be hard for them to trust you. She told us about a six year old boy named Wesley who was in need of a family.


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Once Elena and I saw his photo our hearts melted. We were told he has been unable to find a family to adopt him because he has Epilepsy, which result in him having seizures. We didn't care however, he was going to be our son. We told Susan we wanted to adopt him. She seemed hesitant and told us "You should probably meet before hand and get to know him. He is here today actually." She got up from her chair and took us to a room where the small boy was playing. "I'll wait outside."

We walked in, Wesley seemed to not have noticed, for he was playing with the legos in the room. We walked to the front of him and crouched down, when he noticed us he gasped in fear. "Oh, I'm sorry, we didn't mean to startle you." Elena told him softly, we both smiled. He looked shy and uncomfortable.

"You like legos?" I asked softly, he nodded which made me smile. "Me too. You mind if I play with you?"

He timidly handed me a handful of legos. We started to play with them. "I'm Maddie, and this is Elena." I finally said after a while.

"I-I-Im W-W-Wesley" he replied timidly. Elena and I smiled at his first words to us.

"Wesley do you know why we are here?" Elena asked.

"A-A-Are you going t-t-to be f-fostering me?" He responded.

"Well actually Wesley, we were hoping to adopt you. If that's okay?" I told him. His eyes lit up at the word adopt.

"Y-y-you want to adopt me? You know I h-h-have this thing-g-g that causes seizures—" he started before Elena softly cut him off.

"We don't care about that honey."

His eyes finally looked ours in the eyes. "Would that be something your okay with? If we adopt you?" I asked. "We don't want you to feel uncomfortable or pressured, so it's your choice."

"I'd be okay with it." He said quietly. Elena and I smiled.

Susan walked in the room. "Wesley, is your stuff all packed?" She asked. He nodded. "Okay, you ready to go?"

He nodded once more. "Okay bud. Let's go home." I told him smiling. I couldn't be happier. He was our son now. I was now a mother. We walked outside to the our Mercedes, Elena put Wes's stuff in the trunk, and I helped him into the booster seat we had bought. In the few days prior we had bought a bunch of stuff.

We were driving in silence until I started talking to Wesley. "So Wesley, do you like to play any sports?" He shook his head. "How about hobbies, you have anything you like to do?"

"I-I-I like t-t-to play with l-l-l-legos." He stuttered.

"Well, I guess we'll have to buy you some legos." Elena added. Elena changed lanes and started to go to the mall. There was a lego store which we took him to.

Elena was walking him around the store when a woman in her late thirties came up to me. "Excuse me but is that your son and wife? I saw you holding hands walking in here?"

I was confused and responded "Uh, yes...."

"I was just wondering, how do you two women plan on raising a boy? He needs a man in his life." I was disgusted and aggravated at this woman's comment.

"What exactly will he need a man in his life for?"

"When he goes through puberty and to learn to build things, you know. Manly stuff." I rolled my eyes.

"When he does through puberty, my wife and I will be there to help him. I have eight brothers, you really think I can't raise a boy. And even if I didn't, us woman are completely capable. Now Karen, let me tell you something called minding your own damn business, you should try it sometime." She looked at me shocked that I stood up to her, but I was tired of her bullshit.

I took a breath as Elena and Wes walked over to me. Wes had a big smile on his face, I crouched down to his level. "Hey bud, what did you get?" I asked.

"Elena got me a lego b-b-bridge set, and a bunch of legos." I looked at Elena shocked.

"No fair! I wanted him to say my name first." I said sarcastically; Elena laughed. I looked back at Wes "You ready to go home buds?" He nodded.

We walked back to the car and drove home. As we approached the house Wes was in shock. "Y-y-you live in a c-c-castle!" Elena and I laughed.

"No bud, WE live in a castle." He turned his head towards me. "This is your home now too." I saw a tiny smile peak through.

We opened the door and his eyes grew wide. We walked him up the stairs to his bedroom. "If you don't like it we can redo it." Elena told him.

"N-no it's amazing. T-t-thank you." He replied and grabbed Elena's hand and squeezed it.

"We will take you clothes shopping tomorrow, if you're up for it." I told him. He looked a bit tired. "Hey if you want to take a little nap before dinner, we can wake you up when it's time to eat." He nodded, took off his shoes, and got in bed. Elena and I went on either side and tucked him in. Within a minute he was out like a light. I just smiled and looked at at sleeping Wes. "Sweet dreams buddy." I left a small kiss on his forehead and I left the room, same with Elena.

(A/N: I don't know a lot about adoption so sorry if it's wrong. As always please excuse my spelling and grammar errors, I am dyslexic. I try to proofread but some errors slip through the cracks. XOXO, Lily)

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