Chapter 1 - The Truth

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TW: mention of breast cancer. In no way am I meaning to offend anyone, I know how hard it can be, my aunt was diagnosed 4 years ago, so please excuse this mention and if you know someone struggling, I am here with you. 💗

Clarissa Smith POV:

I was sitting in my doctors office waiting for my test results to come back. I had been feeling off the past few weeks. Soon enough my doctor came back with a empathetic face.

"Um, Ms. Smith, I don't exactly know how to tell you this so I am just going to say it, your test results came back, and have stage four Brest cancer." She told me. I couldn't believe it, so many emotions were coming out, but the one thing I thought about the most was my daughter Maddie. I didn't know what to do, what if I died? What would happen to her?

The doctor continued to fill me in on her treatment plan but she told me to be prepared, the cancer already spread so far and they might not be able to treat me, but they were going to try. After my appointment was over I went to my car and sat in silence for a moment, pondering my options. I decided there was someone I needed to call, Lorenzo Valentino.

I never wanted to speak to him again, but I couldn't have my daughter go into the foster care system if something happened to me. I've heard the awful stories of children that end up in foster care. Lucky I still had his number written down in my contacts. I pressed call and waited. While it was ringing I was nervous, I pondered what would happen if he didn't want her. Soon enough someone answered.

(C= Clarissa Smith, L= Lorenzo Valentino)
L: Hello?
C: Hello Lorenzo
L: Clarissa? Clarissa Smith? What's going on? I haven't talked to you in what 13? 14 years?
C: I don't really know how to say this but, do you remember our little one night stand 14 years back?
L: I do, quite vividly, you were always a great kisser, but I'm guessing your not calling to hash up old memories.
C: That would be correct, Lorenzo, I, uh, after that night, I got pregnant.
C: I never wanted to contact you but, yes you got me pregnant, and before you ask I did a dna test when she was born. She's yours.
L: She? You had a girl?
C: Yes, her name is Maddison
L: Why are you telling me this Clarissa?
C: Well, um, I just got word from my doctor....I have stage four breast cancer. They say I might not make it and I have to stay in the hospital while being treated, and I don't want Maddison going into foster care. I know it's a lot to ask, but please Lorenzo, I'm begging of you—-
L: I'll take care of her while your in the hospital.
C: You will?
L: Yes, she's my daughter. And I would love to meet her. I've always wanted a daughter. I know my boys would love her too, even though they haven't met her.
C: You have kids?
L: Uh ya, seven, all boys.
C: How lovely. Look I don't start treatment for another week and I was hoping to spend that last week with her.
L: Of course. I live in New York now, but I would be happy to fly her out here myself.
C: No, Lorenzo it's fine—
L: No please, she's my daughter too. I won't take no for a answer Clarissa.
C: Okay Lorenzo. If you insist.
L: I am truly sorry but I have a meeting I must attend to. I will contact you later and work out the details. I'm so happy I have a daughter, I can't wait to meet her.
C: okay, well talk later.
L: Oh, and by the way, I'm sorry about your prognosis. Talk to you later, bye.
C: bye.

Wow. I haven't talked to Lorenzo in years, but the call went better than I expected. I still can't believe he has seven kids. Now the hard part, telling Maddie. I turned on the car and drove home, Maddie was in her room drawing, she always loved art. I walked in her room.

"Hey sweetie," I said sitting on the bed next to her.

"Hey mom," she told me not looking up from her drawing.

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