Chapter 22 - Coming Home

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Colton POV:
We were on our way to the lighthouse my sister was being kept at. When I found out about Maddie, I was so exited not to be the youngest, I wasn't going to be the one my brothers teased as much anymore. And I would finally be an older brother. Some how I forgot I danger I had passed on. Being the youngest of a Mafia family is hard, you have the most targets on your back, you can be easily overpowered. I forgot how the second I became a older brother I passed that on to her. I felt so bad, I knew the fear of being the youngest. I should have been there for her. I will never forgive myself.

We pulled up to the light house with an army of men. We parked a bit away so that Ivanov wouldn't hear us coming. "Okay men listen up, we have one mission and one mission only. Get Maddison. I choose you all because you are loyal, loyal to me which means loyal to my family. If you are presented a choice to save me or my daughter, you save my daughter. Understood?" My father made a speech.

"Yes Capo!" They all replied.

"Good, now lets go." My father exclaimed.

We stealthy walked with our men to the lighthouse. My father, Maddox, Noah, Alex, and Elias where in one line in front of Sam, Kade and I. One of our men used a lock pick to open the door. Once inside it was dark, and smelled of death. My father signaled for all of us to come in quietly. As soon as we did the lights suddenly shut on.

In the middle of the room was Ivanov holding a knife to my baby sisters throat. "Hello Lorenzo," he spoke "Lovely to see you again. I thought we had a deal, but seeing as you and your men tripped my alarm, to sneak in. I guess that deals off."

"Let her go, she has nothing to do with this." My father spoke sternly but you could tell there was fear in his voice.

"On the contrary, she has everything to do with this. She means something to you and that's enough." Ivanov spoke moving the knife closer to my sisters throat. My father put his weapon up. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, you see little Maddison here is nothing but a shield."

My father didn't lower his weapon. "Your just gonna kill me anyway! Why don't you just do it!" Maddie yelled at him. What was she doing? She's gonna make him angry and he's gonna kill her. God I can't loose her too.

Suddenly all of Ivanov's men entered the room. "Now your gonna drop your weapons and throw them across he room or I swear I'm going to kill her." We stopped for a second terrified of loosing my sister I was the first to lower my weapon and throw it across the room. Everyone soon followed until we were all as helpless as Mads.

"Now to answer your question Maddison, I want your father to watch helplessly, I want him to watch as I do to his daughter the same I did to his wife." All of us tensed. "Then once his daughter is dead, I'm going to kill all of his sons, starting with little Colton." He looked at me. "You know Colton, I've missed sending someone to kill you every second of the day. Glad I finally be able to do it."

Suddenly Maddie elbowed Ivanov in the nose. She then kicked him in the balls and grabbed a fun beside her. She cocked it and pointed it at him.

"Nobody talks about killing my brother and gets away with it." She spoke with such seriousness. She saw the men behind her holding their weapons to her head. "I advise your men to lower their weapons unless they want a dead boss." They hesitated and lowered the weapon. "Now get on the floor before I put a bullet in his brain!" They obeyed.

My father picked up his weapon and pointed it towards Ivanov, "Maddie baby you can lower your weapon, your safe now." He instructed her, I could tell she was petrified. I ran over to her and took the gun out of her hand.

She looked at me scared. "Oh god Mads," I whispered cupping her cheeks, before talking her into my arms. "It's okay, your okay now," I soothed.

"Let's go home baby" Maddox told her after coming close to us.

We were walking out the door when we heard banging. "Do you hear that?" Alex asked.

"Ya" Noah replied.

We went to the source of the banging and opened a door and standing there was someone I never expected to see again.

"Mom?" My brother Noah breathed out. We all stood in shock.

^^^Mirabella Valentino

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^^^Mirabella Valentino

"Noah baby? Is that really you?" She replied. She looked at him soft and pulled him into a hug. "God you've gotten so big."

"Boys what are we waiting for let's get your sister home." My father said before seeing my mother.

"Lorenzo?" She had tears in her eyes.

"Mirabella? How the—" he responded. She came running into his arms.

"God I never thought I would see you again. I never thought I would see my boys again." My mother was sobbing.

"Your—your alive?" My father was still in shock.

"Yes, Ivanov kidnapped me. He told me he faked my death, he made me watch my own funeral. God Lorenzo I've missed you so much." She fell into my fathers arms.

We all made a large group hug around her, all of us except for Maddie, who proped herself up against the wall.

"God I've missed all so much," my mother stopped as she saw my sister in the corner, she gave a look of kindness and familiarity.

"Baby, this is my daughter, Maddison." my father told her.

She smiled and walked over to my baby sister, "Hey sweetie, I'm so sorry you had to go through that with Ivanov, I tied to stop him. I really did. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," my sister responded as my mother gave her a hug.

"Let's go home." My father spoke softly.

We all nodded and started walking to the cars. I was walking next to Maddie and about halfway to the car she started to look drowsy and somewhat nauseous.

"Hey Mads you okay?" I asked her, she didn't respond. Instead she started to sway. "Maddie!" I caught her as she almost fell. "Dad I think she's loosing too much blood."

He looked scared. "Carry her to the car and we'll take her to the hospital, we need to hurry." I picked her up bridal style and carried her quickly to the car.

We drove to the hospital and they took her to get operated on. They also took my mother to get examined. God this can't be happening, not again. I can't loose her.

After 20 minutes of waiting, the doctor finally came back and we all stood up at her arrival.

"She's gonna be fine." The doctor told us. We all let out a sigh. "She lost a bit of blood, and had a few broken bones, but she's okay, we're going to keep her for observation. As for Mirabella, she's gonna be fine as well. She had a few old injuries such as a broken rib, bruising, and malnourishment, but she's okay. Maddie's still asleep, but you can see Mirabella now."

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