The other life (Part 3)

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Part 3

The other life





The bell rang and everyone ran out of school, cheering and ready to celebrate. 

Exams are over! 

No more studying!!!



Oh great, now back to work. 

All I do in my life is school, then work. School, then work. There are only two lives for me. School and work. Super boring, but I have no other choice if I want to support myself financially.

And so, its time for me to go to work. I got to admit , I work at a nice place. It's a crystal and diamond jewelry store. With real diamonds and real crystals rings and watches. They have so many pretty rings there. I want one, but I can't even dream of spending a single penny on expensive rings like those. I could never afford it.

Not with the new bills coming in. 

I left school and ran to the store where I got changed into my work uniform. I had to wear a black tailored suit with white sweatshirt underneath. I also applied transparent lip gloss (don't judge me, I just like to keep my lips soft) and some eye liner. I liked to dress up a bit for work, because it made me feel like I was going to a party. But it's really just the standard here to make the store seem really classy and more expensive. 

Here, I felt rich. At other places...I felt exactly where I belonged. Poor. 

I went behind the counter and grabbed my share of keys for the diamond cases. I had to carry them around with me everywhere I went and ask if any of the customers wanted to see a diamond or crystal closer, so they can purchase it. 

"Arthit, thanks for coming early, I'm already late!," May told me hurriedly as soon as I arrived in the employee's room. May has worked here longer than I have and we have been good friends ever since I started working here. She's tall and beautiful, an exchange student from America. I have also taken some English classes, so I speak English pretty well and it's easier for her to talk to me in English, for practice. I smiled at her and the next second she was running out of the door, hurrying to her mother's birthday party. 

After a couple of hours of working, 10 people had purchased diamonds and crystals worth of a thousand dollars a piece. 

I could say, it had been a pretty successful day.

As I gift-wrapped the diamonds and registered them for the costumers I wondered how can people even afford these? A ring that a woman in her late 30's bought was $800. And it was a pretty small ring too. 

I looked dreamily at the crystal ornaments and various jewelry under the counter. They were so pretty and so delicate looking. I was too scared to even touch them. 

Then I came to the one thing I adored the most ever since I started working here. 

The one ring I had always wanted. The ring with the perfect cut and highest quality. It was a white diamond ring with a golden layer around it. Simple yet very pretty that would look good on both a woman and a man.

If only I had the money...

But there was only 1 in stock and no one had bought it yet. Well, it's pretty obvious why, it's worth $5000. Yeah, hell a lot of money. Crazy amount that I would never buy for a ring. Umm, for anything really.

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