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As the makeup artist placed the final touches on my face, all I could do was smile as Lily peppered me with questions about the night before. Finally, I confessed everything to her which didn't seem to surprise her much. I guess, I had to add mind reader to the many jobs she fulfilled.

As we giggled like school girls, a crew member came over and told us they were ready. I wore an oversized, white, button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows with no bra underneath and only underwear on the bottom. The photographer pointed to the spot where he wanted me to stand, then motioned for me to move one side of my shirt down off my shoulder to expose more skin. I held my guitar purposefully in front of my underwear so only my bare legs showed.

"The perfect shot is all about the illusion," the photographer said.

The wind machine sat in front of me, blowing my hair just so. The cool breeze calmed my nerves as this was the sexiest photoshoot I had ever done. Just the fact that I knew Nate hadn't just discarded me to the side, like I previously thought all those years ago, made me feel lighter, more care-free, and less stressed about everything, including being half-naked in front of a room full of strangers.

When I arrived home, I swung by the main house to check on my father. Still all glam from the shoot but with appropriate clothes on, I saw my dad reading a book in the library. I popped my head in and told him I was home.

He glanced up from his book.

"Don't you look beautiful, honey," he said proudly.


"How was the shoot?" he asked.

"Fun," I quickly responded, realizing I felt happy, really happy as my smile permeated every part of my being. My father could not help but notice.

"Was that Nate I saw leaving the studio last night?" he said, glancing down nonchalantly at his book, like he was about to read again.

My smile disappeared at the thought of him noticing Reed, then Nate leaving my personal oasis. 

My face turned bright red.

"Like I said, it's none of my business. I'm just glad you're still living here," he declared with a loving smile.

"Thanks, dad."

As I walked out of the library, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I forgot to switch my ringer back on after I left the shoot. I retrieved my phone and glanced down.

It was a text from Nate:

You want to meet me at the Q Go-Karts at 6?

I quickly replied:

Sounds good!

There was no hesitation. I wanted to see Nate again.

I pulled into the busy, go-kart parking lot and found one of the last available spots. Before getting out of the car, I looked at myself in the rear-view mirror. My hair was tied back in a ponytail with a baseball cap covering my head. I also wore large, black sunglasses to disguise myself from anyone who might've recognized me.

Nate greeted me at my door as I got out of the car.

"You look great" he said with a grin.

He leaned in and gave me a warmer hug than the awkward one the night before.

"Thanks, you do, too," I smiled back nervously.

After we bought tickets, Nate and I headed over and joined the fairly, substantial line at the track.

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