Meeting Sam Sakdatorn (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

I nodded, extremely embarrassed by my poor living conditions. "...You too?" What a ridiculous question, Arthit. Of course, the rich Sam Sakdatorn wouldn't live--

"Not quite. My house is getting renovated, so I'm staying here with my cousin for around 3 months." 

Sam Sakdatorn. One of the richest people. Getting his house redone. And living in my shitty apartment building. Oh boy.

The elevator door opened. Politely, his arm moved behind me to guide me out of the elevator. I bowed and got off. He followed after me as we walked out of the apartment building together. 

How weird... I still couldn't wrap my mind around it. Sam Sakdatorn living in one of the crappiest neighbor hoods and apartments ever. This would cause a storm if people at school were to find out...I'm sure he would try anything to hide this.

"Need a ride?" He said as he flipped out his car keys. 

I nodded. Yeeaaaah...perhaps not the smartest idea to go into a car with someone you don't know that well. But I have to save money instead of using it for the bus, so I followed him to his car. 


Whoa. A red Ferrari. Nice.

Of course it's a Ferrari...Duh.

He opened the door for me. Such a gentlemen. I thanked him and got in. leather. Its so nice. I must have been drooling. He closed the door and got into the car, started the engine and drove out of the parking lot into the road. 

Then I remembered. The test. I took out the study guide and looked it over.  

"Is the test today?" He asked me, glancing at the notebook in my lap.

"Yes." I answered, desperately trying to cram some last-minute information into my already burnt-out brain.

"Oh...same with me." 

I looked at him confusedly. He doesn't need to study. He was born smart.

And yummy handsome.


"You want me to quiz you?" He asked me suddenly.

...why the hell was he being so nice, I couldn't fathom.

"Umm sure."

"Ok where's your school?"

I laughed. "Its SK High." I answered as I went back to my study guide.

"Really? What are you doing there?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow, sounding genuinely surprised.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I flipped the page.

"I thought you went to a different school. Like a private school."

"No no, I go to SK High."

"You should transfer to SK Academy. They need more students like you." He said with that warm and bright smile of his. 

I looked at him and smiled. "Like me?"

"Sure. You're smart and handsome. Why not?" He complimented me and raised a sexy eyebrow in a joking manner. 

I giggled uncontrollably, feeling very amused by his ridiculous joke.

But wait, did he just call me handsome? Me???

Try not to drool, Arthit. God damnit.

I only knew this guy for like 15 minutes and he's already making me feel so much better about myself. 

We finally arrived at my school. Great....the usual crowd of girls and guys was already there, the so-called fanclub of the popular guys at our school, waiting for their arrival to frantically scream at them in a manner that I could only describe as - terrifying. This was an every day thing, crazy girls worshiping handsome guys like that. I could never understand such obsession over someone just for their looks and money.

"Wow... Look at all those girls with those supportive signs." Sam commented as he pulled up at the curb of the school...only 10 feet away from the fan club. Shit, I wish he would've parked a bit further away, around the corner or something.

"Thanks for the ride, Sam." I thanked him softly and climbed out of the car as fast as possible, ready to bolt any second before anyone sees me. 

Stupid flashy Ferrari roared loudly and I froze. Great, the fan club's eyes are all on me now. Unwanted attention and jealousy...just what I need.

"Hey you want to me to pick you up later?" Sam rolled down the window and asked me.

Later? 0_0 He wanted to see me again??? Wut the hell...

"Oh no no, thank you. I have to go to work after school." I answered with a polite smile, feeling sincerely thankful for his kind treatment towards me.

"Oh ok. Well good luck on your exam!" He said with a beaming smile, making a small 'fighting' sign with his fist.

Awww handsome and cute

"Thanks. You too." I closed the door and started to walk away from his car, keeping my eyes on the ground and away from any unwanted attention.

"ARTHIT!" He called for me suddenly.

Shit, shit, shit!

I turned around slowly and saw Sam get out of the car, holding something. The moment his face appeared from the car, all hell broke loose around us.

"OMG! Isn't that Sam Sakdatorn? The model???"

"Oh my gosh! That is him! What is he doing here???"

"Why did that geek come out of his car?"

"Do you think they are going out???"

"Hahaha don't be ridiculous! There's no way Sam Sakdatorn would go out with someone like that!" everyone's even more interested in me. Gossip. Just what I need. Ugh.

Sam walked up to me and smiled down at me. Ugh, I hadn't even noticed how he was almost a head taller than me, so that I had to tilt my head up to look at him.

"You left it in the car." He said with that damn handsome smile of his.

He gave me... my study guide!! Ahh!! Thank you!! OMG!

"Oh Sam, thank you!! You saved my life!!" I jumped up and down happily, clutching the book in my hands.

"No problem. See ya later!" He winked at me, ran back to his car and sped off. 

Sam Sakdatorn. You saved me for the last 5 minute of studying before the test.

I turned around and...ugh the fan club had already gathered around me and began screaming and pointing fingers at me, spreading ridiculous gossip.

"OMG! He winked at him!"

"Are they going out?"

"I bet he already slept with him."

"Probably did. Its always the silent ones who would do anything for fame."


Stupid lying gossiping people!

What the heck is wrong with people these days?

Ignoring the rude comments, I pushed through the crowd and made my way to class for the test that was supposed to determine my future.


Author's note: Sooo we have our second male lead Sam in the picture! Handsome? *wiggles eyebrows*

I am sorry for the slow start, I am trying to introduce everyone, so it might be boring for now... :(

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