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Hannah Fitzgerald is the daughter and oldest child of Vaughan. Hannah is also best friends with Simon lowsley. Hannah and Simon have always been close. Simon is dating her other best fried esme. Hannah is unaware how Simon ah to ally has feelings for her. He has for as long as he can remember. Simon knows that he is trying so hard to hide how he feels not wanting to loose his friendship with Hannah

When Hannah and hector get close. Simon gets annoyed. He knows what hector is like and he knows how he isn't trusted but when Simon finds out how hector is using Hannah for sex, he snaps. He attacks him as he admits how he feels for Hannah. But does Hannah feel the same other him and will it effect Hannah and esme friendship? Will Hannah be able to admit that she actually likes Simon or will she be to afraid?

I own Hannah Fitzgerald and any children she has. Esmè hedley and any children that she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_

Published; 21st July 2020

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