Chapter 5 - A New King

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Guinevere sighed with mixed emotions filling her heart as she watched Arthur coming back to her.
"So, where are we going now?" he asked resisting to the temptation of hugging her in public.
"We need a revolution" she grinned at the idea "But we need allies and a large army to defeat Uther once and for all".
"I think I can gather an army for you" he grabbed her hand and gave it a quick kiss, feeling how she shivered in pleasure.
"And I can get the allies we need. But it means I have to reconcile with Cumber".
Arthur frowned with worry "It sounds dangerous".
"He wants to replace Uther more than anything else. So we already are on the same side" she smirked.
"So where do we start from? Or do you want us to separate?".
Guinevere stared at his saddened eyes, feeling the same emotion at the idea of being separated from him when she didn't get used to that new feeling she had for him.
"We must" she said regretfully "We have little time. The more we wait the stronger Uther can become".
Arthur nodded "So I do my part. The sooner I leave the sooner I'll be back to you".
Guinevere grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard "If you need some ships...".
"No" he interrupted her "You need your crew. I can borrow just a dozen of warriors for my job".
She didn't insist and called some of her best mates to escort him.
Seeing the distance dividing them again was more painful than she imagined.
She had to persuade herself that they were sacrificing their time for a better future.

Finally her ship stopped by the craggy rocks of the shoreline of the Beggar’s Coast.
The Red Spear didn't need any acclamation to make her presence noticed.
Under her heavy armour, Guinevere felt choking, but when she saw an army of warriors marching towards her in a menacing way, she only felt her stamina making her feel invincible.
She waved to her men not to reply to the provocation and rested her eyes on the leader of the opponent army.

"You betrayed your king" a furious female voice shouted emerging from the army and pointed a sword at the Red Spear, who didn't react.
After some silence, the woman placed her sword back at her side and addressed Guinevere again "You have nothing to say?".
"Are you hiding behind your men?" Guinevere provoked after lingering in that pleasant sensation of teasing someone so dangerous.
"I don't hide" the woman pushed her fellows aside and marched to stop in front of Guinevere, who calmly removed her helmet and allowed her red hair to enjoy the breeze.
Eydis did the same, revealing her dark hair.
"Bend the knee and say you're sorry" Eydis hissed "Maybe you'll get some mercy".
"I don't bend the knee to you" Guinevere spat insolently "I'm here to see your father, the King. I'm sure he will be pleased by the the news I'm bringing to him. Not like your disappointing move, making deals with monks".
Eydis roared in anger and unsheathed her sword.
Guinevere blocked her flail and attacked back.
Watching two women fighting with such dedication was an unusual show for the men of the crew. They stood still, until one of the duellers prevailed on the other.
Guinevere aimed her sword at the neck of the king's daughter, who had fallen on her knees, then kicked her to free her way.
"I'm going to talk to your father, Eydis" Guinevere announced walking past her with nonchalance, followed by her proud companions.

They climbed the cliff to reach the keep at Dun Lach.
Guinevere couldn't recall been more nervous to walk through that familiar pathway, but she conceived her feelings behind an unreadable face and kept her head high.
When they reached the Great Hall, her men were panting. She allowed them a moment to catch their breath, then entered the room.
The Ice King, Cumber, was the same as she remembered him. He didn't look like a serious king. Lately he had turned more into a fool. Or he pretended to be a fool.
He was entertaining himself with some little wolves.
"Guinevere!" He welcomed her, opening his arms as he walked to meet her "I feared I wouldn't see you again".
Guinevere stood still cautiously "I wanted not to come back again after what happened".
Cumber stopped in front of her and patted his heavy hands on her shoulders "I'm glad you changed your mind".
"Eydis welcomed me in a quarrelsome way" Guinevere added coldly.
The man sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her to walk around the room with him.
"Eydis got that thirst for power" he shook his head "But I agree that she overstepped. But how can I blame her anger towards you after you attacked her fleet?".
"It was a honor thing" Guinevere said proudly, thinking of Arthur "The Fey Witch had showed mercy to my men and my brother. I couldn't let Eydis's fleet slaughter them. You should have seen it. They pushed the Fey into a trap and attacked them. How could you let her make a deal with the monks? When the monks had a famous deal with Uther himself?".
Cumber didn't budge under her direct attack. He inhaled deeply and forced her to walk slowly next to him "I know. I didn't know about her secret deal with the monks. But now they got what they wanted. The Fey Witch is dead. You took the Fey people under your protection. And the monks are leaving our lands".
Guinevere didn't find anything more to complain about, so she announced "I've been in the southern lands in the latest days. Spreading the rumours about the impostor living into the Pendragon castle".
The news made a big smile appear on Cumber's face "My dear Guinevere. I knew you would do the right thing".
"Uther is growing weak. If you don't strike now, when will you get another chance? Don't wait for the impostor to recover from the war".
"Your words are wise. But I need you to reconcile with Eydis. I need both of you to win this war".
Guinevere couldn't help but grimace "I'm not sure she would agree...".
With perfect timing, Eydis's heavy boots echoed in the Hall as she marched furious.
"Did she tell you what she dared to do, father?" Eydis shouted at the top of her voice.
Cumber's face shifted to an angry and dangerous one, promising storms.
"She did and by the Gods you deserved it!" The Ice King hissed coldly.
Eydis turned pale and speechless, her eyes widened but didn't lose the fire of anger.
"She attacked me with fireballs, she humiliated me in front of my crew, and you defend her, father?".
"Enough!" Cumber silenced her "I'm sick of your childish behaviour. You will never become a queen if you don't stop acting so foolishly".
Guinevere was impressed by his energy, but it didn't change her mind about her loyalty.
"Guinevere is helping me against the impostor. I need both of you to win this war once and for all. If you don't want to work seriously with us, go back playing with monks. I will banish you from my lands".
Eydis's cheeks flushed with humiliation. She didn't dare to open her mouth to complain.
"I suggest to divide the mission" Guinevere said calmly "Your daughter can lead the attack from north. I can strike from south. I already conquered some ports in the impostor's lands".
Cumber reacted positively "Very well. I also offer you to give orders to Eydis. She isn't experienced as you are".
Eydis swallowed that other humiliating remark, but she raised her head and said shooting a challenging look at her rival "Make her swear loyalty to you".
Guinevere peered at her unfriendly, then replied to the king "I will swear loyalty when you will sit on the throne in the Pendragon Castle. We don't have time for such formalities now, when Uther is recovering and becoming stronger as we are doing nothing for this war".
Cumber didn't hide his disappointment but it was a big relief that he didn't insist and friendly dismissed her.
Guinevere lowered her head as a quick bow and marched away, passing by an envious and revengeful Eydis.
They exchanged looks of fire, a fire that could melt the cold northern lands.

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