Boss instantly leaned away with a push of his hands against the table, tipping backwards while balancing precariously in his chair, trying to get away from this demon. Why was he interested in this type of stuff after exiling himself from all sorts of social medias in the first place?

Unperturbed, Sarawat slid his phone across the table in his friend's direction. He had actually noticed that Tine's friends had been constantly tagging one specific Instagram account in their Facebook posts, an account that could obviously only belong to Tine since no other sane person would call themselves Tine_chic. What did chic even mean?

Boss narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Seriously, what had gotten into Sarawat? He shared a perplexed look with Man, who just shrugged and went quietly back to scowling down at his own phone, continuing to scroll through the deserted feeds of his long distance relationship. That damned boyfriend of his had not been in touch for a several weeks now. Man was very worried by the ominous silence. The five o'clock shadow on his face was not making him look any saner either.

"What nickname do you want me to use?" Boss asked with an exasperated little sigh, while administering Sarawat's brand new Instagram account, his thumbs flying over the screen of the cell phone. It was like seeing a baby chick take flight from its nest with Sarawat venturing into all these social media apps so suddenly.

"Whatever man, just choose something," Sarawat replied, patiently waiting for his friend to finish, forearms diligently placed atop the table and hands at the crooks of his elbows, back straightened up. If he had a tail he would have probably been wagging it too. Boss snickered. Seriously, what was going on with this dude?

The phone in his hands buzzed suddenly and he looked down.

"Who's Unknown Number?" Boss asked confusedly as the message notification banner rolled down the screen over Sarawat's cell phone. "And why do they wanna meet you in 20? Hey, do you have two Line accounts?"

"Shit," Sarawat swore and pushed up to his feet, the chair scraping over the floor loudly. He snatched his phone out of his friend's hands, quickly pocketing it without an explanation and blatantly ignoring the hissed shushes from the other people that were actually studying in the library. Sarawat then scrambled around the table to pack his shit up.

"Later guys," he finally threw over his shoulder, not seeing any point in prolonging their goodbyes and hustled out of there, the school bag hitting against his hip.

Boss was left gaping at Sarawat's retreating back, eyes blinking rapidly while he was trying to comprehend what had actually happened. Seriously. What the hell? He turned to Man with a pout, trying to get some sympathy from him for Sarawat's abrupt dismissal. However, the other guy was still in his own bubble, angrily stabbing a message into the screen of his phone. Okay, then. Maybe Boss was better off studying after all, than hanging out with these sourpusses.


Sarawat thrust one sneaker clad foot out and onto the concrete for support, the vibrations of the motorcycle winding down below him as he released the handlebars and relaxed in his seat, muscular thighs on each side of the black, sleek vehicle. He refrained from taking his helmet off and just sat there looking out over the majestic river sluggishly flowing below the massive bridge. It was a little hypnotizing.

Sarawat was on the narrow side road next to the wide traffic lane on the bridge, which ran parallel with the sturdy railing. Cars and other vehicles rushed past him, drowning out his thoughts with their roaring motors. Sarawat's long fingers tapped against his thigh impatiently, fingerless leather gloves gracing his hands. And soon enough another motorcycle showed up, its motor revving in the distance before it slid up next to Sarawat, tires screeching slightly at the abrupt halt.

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