17 : the bite

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It was the weekend and I tried to spend it as normally as I could

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It was the weekend and I tried to spend it as normally as I could. I had no idea when the Dread Doctors would be back to ruin our lives with more Chimeras and more kidnapping but I was going to enjoy some normality. One of the horrible things about normality is that it can be more boring than anything else and instead of being out with my friends, celebrating the fact that they're alive; I was stuck in my bedroom completing homework that I hadn't had time to finish during the week. I wanted desperately to spend time with Liam, glad that he was safe but the only thing on his mind was Hayden and so Mason and I had basically been dumped.

A knock on my window made me jump, and I clambered off my bed to check what it was. I had to admit that I was shocked to see Theo perched on the windowsill; he must have jumped up there or climbed up there using his werewolf powers and I just hoped that none of our neighbours saw him because that would raise a lot of questions. I opened the window and let him into my bedroom; this was the first time that he had been over and I was surprised that he even knew what room was mine but he was a werewolf so he probably just used his sense of smell.

"What are you doing-"

He cut me off by slamming his lips against mine and taking me completely off guard; I still wasn't used to the fact that we were together and this was one of the perks that I loved. His hands travelled down my back, getting closer and closer to the hem of my dress so I pushed him away. There was no way that we were doing anything like that, especially not when I knew that my parents were downstairs. We had only been together for a few days and I was not ready to take that step with him in our relationship, he was going to have to be patient with me and take things slow.

"What are you doing? You weren't answering your phone."

I looked to the ground guiltily. "Sorry, I had to turn it off to study."

Theo sat on my bed, making himself comfortable. "That's okay, it just means I get to spend more time with you now."

"I'm supposed to be studying."

"Then study me." He winked, which caused me to throw one of my pillows at him.

"Unless you're going to help me get into college then I don't think that'll help."

He stood up from the bed and began examining my room. It made me realise how much you can tell from snooping around someone's bedroom; you can tell a lot about a person based on what their room looks like. It made me wonder what his room looked like; it was probably dark and all the furniture was wooden. Maybe he had a few band posters on the walls but he seemed pretty minimalistic when it came to things like that. When he stopped, I realised that he was looking at my wall display, which had polaroid's taken of me and my friends; all at different times and during different times in my life. Some were of the people that I knew before Beacon Hills and some were the friends that I had now. But one person was missing, him.

"Come on, I'll add you to the wall."

He shoved his hands in his pocket. "It'll ruin it."

"What are you talking about?"

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