Instantly Scott retracts his claws and Stiles runs to his side, helping him lean against the cupboards next to him for support as a lot of energy was used through that technique. Corey didn't seem to be taking it as well as Scott was, as it was obvious that he was freaking out after experiencing something that he had never been through before. "Is he okay?"

"What the hell did you do to me?" Corey yelled, as Mason checked the back of his neck.

"You'll be alright."

"There's blood."

Scott was getting his breath back and seemed to be getting more frustrated the more time was being spent on this, he was like everyone else, he wanted to find Liam. "You'll heal."


"He'll be fine!" He interrupted, grabbing some paper and a pen as he began to draw what he had seen. "Listen, I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels, pipes along the walls. There were these two huge blue pipes at the entrance. Two on both sides."

"Wait a second, I know this." Stiles said, looking over his friends' shoulder at the drawing. "I've seen this before. That's one of the tunnels I used to skateboard in, remember my dad caught me and told me never to go back?"

Lydia nodded, understanding what they were seeing. "It's the water treatment plant."

"That's where they are. That's where we'll find Liam and Hayden."

Scott didn't waste anymore time as he bounced down the stairs, knowing that they couldn't waste anymore time because they didn't know whether Liam and Mason were safe or not. He didn't want to wait to find out, he wanted to find them now and he wanted to make sure that they were okay. I felt the same way, we couldn't wait and discuss anymore; now we just needed to act and do something to save the people that we cared about. Maybe it was an irrational decision but we couldn't chance their likeliness of surviving, especially not with things like the Dread Doctors involved.

"Scott, slow down. Just think for a second, okay?" Stiles tried to talk some sense into his friend but it wasn't working. "Mason shouldn't be going."

Mason shook his head. "Liam's my best friend. I'm going."

"Me too." I said, moving to stand next to the group that were going looking for Liam and Hayden. "I've been a lousy friend recently and I want to make it up to him, I want to help."

"Oh, did you both suddenly get super wolf powers? I wasn't aware of that development."

"Well, if you're not going then I could use the help." Scott shrugged, thankful for the extra bodies that could help in the search for his friend. He knew that we may not have special powers but he didn't need us for that, he needed us because we were hellbent on finding our friend and nothing was going to stop us.

"No, I'm coming, just as soon as I talk to my dad." Stiles reassured him, not wanting to be left out of another supernatural mission. "They're moving the body and he wants to make sure that this time, no one steals it."

"How's he going to do that?"

"I don't know. But whatever took the last one was strong enough to flip my jeep."

"We can bring Theo?" Malia offered, thinking that having another supernatural creature on our side could help.

"Maybe I better stay here." He said calmly, which made me frown because I wanted him to come with us but knew that he had a good reason to stay behind. "In case the Doctors decide to make a house call for Corey."

"Scott, Stiles is right." Lydia argued, trying to stop him from moving too fast with his plan. "We need to slow down and think."

"I am thinking, about how Liam and Hayden could already be dead."

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