Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Real? Or not real?

"Who's there!" I yelled.

"You don't need to worry about who I am child. You need to worry about how you're going to defeat me!" said the voice, utterly calm.

"Show yourself so I can shoot you down!" roared Jonah. Wow. I never knew he had such a temper.

"Ahhh young Jonah. You are not on my list. How I wish you were. Fine. Come to me." Suddenly, Jonah just vanished. At the same time, so did Eve.

"Eve! Jonah! Where did you go!" I yelled, petrified. The world began to spin. Shocked, I tried to step forward. Bad idea. It spun even worse before I felt myself losing consciousness.

I shot awake. I... I was in the cave again. Eve and Jonah were looking down at me, worried expressions on their faces.

"Yo, dude. If you're gonna take watch, you need to stay awake. Didn't you get enough sleep?" It was Jonah. He was here. So was Eve. What the heck is going on?

"Leave him alone Jonah! He's obviously had a bad dream. Are you OK Zeus?" asked Eve. Had it really been a dream? Had I really fallen asleep?

"Erm... yea I'm fine. Like you said, just a bad dream" I lied. I'm not fine. I feel like my brain's been rung out and been out back in, strained. However, I put on a brave smile as I said, "So... are we setting off or what?"

"Just let me get my sword" Eve replied. OK, something's definitely going on. She never leaves her sword behind. Not even as she sleeps. Foolishly, I let this blow over me, as we began the second descent of the mountain.

When they reached the village, it was completely different. It was buzzing with excitement as people ran up to eachother and hugged, before running off to find someone else. Utterly confused, we all walked up to a news-scroll salesman. He gave us a toothless grin before saying,                       

"Hello my young friends. Would you like a scroll? They're two drachma each..." OK now I know something's going on. News-scrolls are ALWAYS three drachma. Before I could bring this up, however, Jonah handed over the money. He then turned to them, looking thunderstruck.

"Hey guys, look at this!" he said, showing them the scroll. The title read...                                   

                                STEPHEN SAVES GREECE!

Quickly, Eve and I read the scroll. It described the man the rebel leader had talked about, taking down Cronus. Suddenly, Eve ran up the Jonah and... SNOGGED HIM!!!!!!!!

"Oh Jonah", she sighed. "I never said this, in case we died, but I've had a major crush on you ever since I saw you. Will you go out with me?"

"Of course" he replied, before lifting her up and carrying her away toward the bay.

"OK wait a minute. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!" I yelled, frustrated. I was seriously cofused. Quick as a flash, Jonah turned on me, with a look of pure venom in his eyes.

"You couldn't let me have the day could you?" he asked. "I've got the girl of my dreams and finally some attention but noooooo, you have to have the spotlight on YOU!" I stumbled back, entirely shocked. Jonah and I got along. Before I could reply, he went on.

"You're the amazing God who was looking forward to taking down daddy. But now someone else has done it... well you just can't contain yourself. I'm sick of you thinking you're more important than everyone else. There's only one way to solve it..." he spat. At first I didn't understand. Then, when he drew his bow, I realised. He wanted to kill me.

"Look, Jonah, I'm seriously happy for you but don't you think this is all strange?" I asked, dodging an arrow. He didn't reply but instead he got out another arrow. I dodged this too, but I couldn't go on forever. What's happening? Everything is going wrong! This is like my worst... Nightmare. I literally slapped myself. How could I be so stupid? I wasn't dreaming before. I was dreaming now! I looked around for ways to wake myself. I thought to myself, 'What wakes me up?' Then, it struck me. Death. Just before death, I always woke up. So when Jonah lodged his next arrow, I didn't move. It shot towards me, but just before impact, everything went black, and I felt myself waking up.

I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a bed in a small room, lit dimly by a single candle. In the corner, I saw two struggling figures. Eve and Jonah. But before I could worry about that, I saw a middle aged man, hunched over a hologram of my nightmare. It seemed to be frozen. He was continuously slamming his fist into the table, muttering angrily. He must be the voice. He'd sent him into the dream world, and hadn't realised I'd escaped yet. This was my only chance. I stood, silently. I walked towards him, drawing my dagger. He started to say, "What the..." before I sank the blade into his neck. He slumped forward, and I ran over to the others. I removed Eve's gag and she said,

"Look, are you real, because the amount of fakes he's sent over to us, I just can't stand it anymore!" she screamed. I put my finger on her lips before saying,

"I'm the real deal."


So... what do you think? I know it's a bit of a Hunger Games reference (if you spot it, you get a cookie) but I think it's decent. So deddie goes to Cato97 cause she loves hunger games. Peace out Demi-gods!!!!

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