Chapter Ten

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  • Dedicated to Stacey Green

Chapter Ten

A God's best friend

I turned to see a curly horned, shaggy furred-

"Talking goat?" Eve said, confused.

"Not just any talking goat!" I yelled, over-joyed. "It's Amaltheia!" It took the two of them a second to remember who exactly Amaltheia was. Then, Eve screamed with joy, and Jonah began to grin uncontrollably. Not just because we had our 'team mascot' back. But also because of what she was standing on.

"How in Cronus did she get a boat?" asked Jonah, absolutely bewildered.

"Well..." Amaltheia began, which caused both Eve and Jonah to jump. I laughed, as Amaltheia continued. "...while you three were off getting your butts kicked by some pretty lady, I was doing something productive. I ran back to the base and got an attack squad ready to save you. Then we realised you'd escaped, with out telling us..." Eve and Jonah both blushed at this "... so we decided to launch a ship and meet you here. So that's my story. Now what's yours?" she said, raising an accusing hoof at us. And so we explained.

I talked the most (I'm pretty sure the others didn't feel comfortable talking to goat) but the others chipped in at times when I forgot an important detail. By the time I'd finished, several burly men had walked off the boat, and were now anchoring the ship. I guess we weren't leaving until tomorrow then. Then, someone who looked like the leader, came over to me. 

"Listen kid, we aren't going to be able to help you any further than giving you this ship. We're having troubles of our own..." he raised his finger to me, signalling for me to be quiet for a little bit longer. " we need to get back as soon as possible. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to sort the boat out. It's not too hard. So, we'd better be going. Just be careful. A lot of hopes are resting on your shoulders..." he said ominously. And that was that. He gestured at the others, and they all walked away, straight out into the desert, towards Thebes.

"I didn't even get to ask him what was going on..." I sighed. I was stroking one of Amaltheia's horns, while she began to nap in my lap. I was thinking intently about what we'd do next. I mean sure, we had a ship, but it could take a full day to get across that small ocean, and then what? Would we just walk straight through Delphi, faces on show, looking for some lady who could possibly be an enemy of my dad. No, we'd definitely have to wear disguises. And we'd have to be very careful who we talked to...

"Erm... ZeuOWCH!" Eve yelled. She'd tapped me on the shoulder, and from all the thinking I'd been doing, I must've let my powers slip and given her static shock. I quickly ran over to her, to check if she was OK.

"I'm fine" she said. "Just the... shock y'know"

"Erm... yes I did shock you." I replied. She slapped me before saying,

"That's not what I meant, and you know it! And I was coming to ask if you wanted to get inside" As she said it, I realised how dark it  had gotten. I nodded, and we headed onto the boat to rest.


Yet again I had a troubled sleep. But it seemed this time my father hadn't planned for me to be there.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DEFEATED BOTH OF THEM?" he roared at what I could only assume to be a fellow titan.

"I warned you sir, this boy is too powerful to be taken out by one of your lesser minions. You need to send someone more powerful to destroy him!" the other man said.

"I TRIED THAT, DIDN'T I? I SENT COEUS TO DESTROY HIM, AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED! HE FOUGHT HIM OFF TOO! NO, I NEED SOMETHING WITH BULK TO DESTROY HIM. SOMETHING... FISHY" he said, before laughing such a powerful laugh, that the entire room shook, and I felt myself waking.

I didn't sleep a wink for the rest of the night.


Hey guys =) Guess what!


Ino right, it's so soon, but I really couldn't wait. And, duh duh duhhhhhh! Cronus clearly has a plan. Question is, what is it? Tune in next chappie to find out ;)

'Curse the Giants, Love the Seven'                       Bye demigods!!!

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