Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Something fishy's going on...

When I woke again, the storm had died down. Eve was sleeping at the back of the cave, her chest rising slowly. Jonah was still at the cave entrance on guard. His eyes was webbed with red.

"You need to get some sleep man", I tell him.

"I know. Will you stand guard?" he asked me. I agreed and he went to sleep next to Eve. I watched the outside and I finally got to take in the beauty of Greece. On the horizon, streaks of light were just appearing so you could tell sunrise was coming. The streaks of orange and yellow mixed beautifully with the purple and black of the night sky. There were lush forests on the edges of deserts and towns dropped in random places. It all seemed so... Cosy. Unfortunately, there was something ruining the image. Just over a narrow strip of sea, a mountain (taller than the one our cave was in) looked pure sinister. At the very coast, a huge city stood. Delphi. It would've looked nice if it wasn't for the shadow of Mount Olympus being cast over it. I took all this in and soon the sun was high in the sky, so I decided to wake the others.

Eve yawned so much I reckon she could've knocked down any Titan. However, when I mentioned it, she punched me, but in a playful way. We decided to give Jonah ten more minutes as he'd been up all night, so we discussed tactics.

"Corinth is just at the foot of the mountain. We can make it there by midday. But then what?" Eve asked.

"Well the rebelion gave us some drachma. Maybe me could talk to a sailor and convince him to take us over." I suggest.

"Not gonna happen", she says. "Remember that's Titan territory over there. No sailer would ever be mad enough to sail over there for a little bit of money."

"Well then I'm stumped." I say. Eve and I continue to discuss the issue until Jonah begins to stir. We bring him up to date but all he says is "Breakfast". Eve looks over and rolls her eyes. I try to hold back a laugh and I tell Jonah we call all have some breakfast. We knock something together and eat quickly. Then we begin our hike.

"I can't believe you two carried me up here last night." I say, completely shocked. This thing was steep.

"We didn't", Jonah says, smirking. "You must have been slightly conscious be cause a strong breeze carried you up. We had to run to keep up." I looked down, embarrassed. Sometimes my powers were annoying. Like when they make giant dangerous storms, for example. We continued walking in silence and soon we were at the base of the mountain. Corinth really was just a short walk away. We get to the edge of the city but I freeze.

"What's wrong?" Eve asks, looking confused.

"It's about midday. Even a small town should be full of noise and people. So why is it so silent?" Suddenly, a loud voice booms.

"Welcome heroes of the rebelion. You're right something fishy is going on here. Of course you wont have time to find out what. This is where you DIE!"

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