Chapter Three

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The two weeks passed in a flash. Amanda couldn't believe that her birthday was finally here. She felt like she was dying with anticipation as she helped her mother arrange snack trays for the party. Per usual her mother was preparing everything way ahead of time, just in case. What that case was, Amanda didn't know because her mother's plans, and specifically parties, always worked out beautifully. She regularly received compliments from visiting members of other packs on her hospitality and party-planning.

"Oh, Amanda!" exclaimed her mother. "You are not paying attention. Please place all the vegetables on the trays in the same order. You will confuse our guests when they are moving to different tables."

Only Eleanor Melion would think that people would be confused by the vegetables in a different order on a serving try, but Amanda knew it was better to follow the instructions. Resistance was definitely futile when it came to her mother's wishes.

After placing the cake pans into the oven, Amanda's mother turned towards her other victims in the party set-up.

"Richard, Aaron, make sure the chairs are evenly spaced apart around the table. We want to make sure everyone is comfortable with their elbow room," she called outside. The men simply shook their heads at each other and kept working.

Amanda's father and brother had been in the backyard for hours setting up a large, rented tent (in case it rains, her mother insisted), balloons in mapped out spots, tables, chairs, place settings, card boxes, floral arrangements, and a stage. Her mother had also forbidden the other pack members who lived on the property from helping with the setup, much to the men's dismay. Eleanor believed that the pack members should only be party attendees, not laborers. They would feel more special and celebratory that way. Richard, Aaron, and Amanda agreed with her at the time, but that was before she showed them her diagrams, lists, and boxes of decorations. Needless to say, the three were regretting not asking for more help.

Amanda glanced every once and while outside the kitchen window to stare at the stage with dread building in her heart. Cassie had assured her again and again that her transition would be flawless and she had nothing to worry about, but that didn't stop the pitter-patter of Amanda's heart from going full gear with that stage. Her mind ruminated over a million horrible outcomes. She couldn't even decide what the worst outcome would be, but she was leaning towards Devon laughing at her wolf. If that happened, she knew she would just burst into tears in front of everyone. Cassie had told her that was ridiculous, the wolf form doesn't cry like the human form. Amanda had hung up on her for that comment. That wasn't the point.

"Amanda! Focus! You're putting veggies on the cheese plates." Amanda's mother brought her back to the kitchen.

"Sorry, mom, I'm just thinking about tomorrow," Amanda said with her head down.

Her mother stopped fluttering about the kitchen and came over to where Amanda stood. Eleanor took the knife and poorly chopped green pepper from her daughter's hands and turned her so they faced each other.

"I know tomorrow seems like it will be the most stressful day of your life, but as someone who's been around a little longer, I want you to listen to me," she started making careful eye contact with her daughter. "Whatever stories that you are making up in your head, whatever fears you believe will manifest tomorrow, and whatever silly rumors you've heard, I want you to wipe them out of your brain now. Tomorrow will be a fun day with the pack in which we celebrate your birthday pretty much the same as we do every year. People you have known all your life will come to our house. They will give you a card and maybe a gift. We will eat nicely arranged plates of food and drink cold beverages. Then you will transition. Then the rest of the pack will change as well and we will all go on a nice run through the woods. Afterwards, we will eat cake and ice cream. It is very low pressure and no one is expecting anything. That's why those who haven't transitioned yet are not allowed to join. Not because it's messy or something bad is going to happen. We just want to decrease the stress on the birthday girl."

"Wait, so the reason that I couldn't even go to Aaron's party was just to decrease his stress," asked Amanda. "But that seems kind of silly."

Her mother shrugged. "That's just the way it's been," she explained. "I don't think it's an official tradition, but we treat it like one. Don't you feel a little more at ease with the knowledge that only other pack members who have been through the transition before and know what you're going through will be there to see?"

Amanda thought for a minute. "I mean, I guess so. I'm also less embarrassed also knowing I'm not really the first transition anyone has witnessed before."

"Exactly!" her mother exclaimed. "Now if you could please take these strings of fairy lights out to your father and brother for me. And make sure that they hang them per the diagram I drew"

With a sigh Amanda picked up the several boxes of small, stringed lights and walked outside to inform her poor father and brother that there was still more work to do before the night was over.

The sound of her footsteps perked the ears of Aaron and Richard causing both men to turn their heads and groan at the sight of more decorations. Amanda was always surprised how her father acquiesced to her mother despite being the alpha leader of the pack. She supposed that was how the mate bond worked and the thought made her even more impatient to find her own. She wished that her mate would at least treat her half as well as her father did her mother.

"Of course there's more," said Richard forlornly. "There's always more."

"We're going to be done next year at this rate," sighed Aaron. "Dad, you wouldn't happen to know a witch we could sneak in here to magic this together without Mom noticing?"

Richard cast a bemused look at his son. "I don't think witches have party setup in their grimoires, but if I meet one who does she's going on speed dial."

Richard picked up a piece of paper with complex drawings and teeny-tiny writing. He squinted at it for a few seconds, then picked up one of the boxes of lights.

"I'll string up the lights while the two of you finish all the place settings and floral arrangements. The stage will just have to be finished in the morning at this point," Richard called as he wandered towards a dark corner of the yard.

Amanda and Aaron looked at each other and shared a groan. Their father's ability to maintain his cheerful attitude in most situations was impressive, but it didn't often rub off on the rest of his family. The siblings checked the diagram as well and then set to work to achieve their mother's party vision.

Just a few hours later, Amanda was happy for the stressful, busy day of party setup. She fell asleep almost as her head touched the pillow, leaving no time for ruminating on the 'what ifs' of what her transition might bring.

Author's Note:

Thanks for continuing to read! Comments and feedback are appreciated!

What do you think of Amanda's family? Have you ever been sucked into doing extra work by your parents?

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