“No. He doesn’t have that much movable funds, and neither do I!” Guangbo smiled bitterly. “My son owes the mafia american dollars! That forty million I sent them is just something to hold them back for the time being! Jin Gubang’s promised me that he’ll allow me access to the company’s funds after he becomes chairman……”

“Fuck!” Lin Yi was quite pissed- what the hell? This Jin Gubang was sacrificing the company’s profits just for that chairman’s seat he treasured so much?

“Where is your son? I’ll bring him back. Give me your shares after that.” Lin Yi didn’t make it sound like a negotiable thing in the slightest.

“I……” Guangbo paused.

“What? You don’t think I’m capable enough?” Lin Yi narrowed his eyes.

“No, of course not……” Guangbo shook his head. What a joke- how could he doubt the guy’s strength after what he’d seen? Huang was enough of a rarity himself!

But was this man truly strong enough to handle the mafia and get his son back?

“Do you perhaps think that the mafia would send your son back safe and sound if you paid up?” Lin Yi looked at Guangbo mockingly. “Use your brain- you’re a gold mine. Why would they send your son back when they could suck you dry? Gambling and drug addictions are the hardest to get rid of- as long as your son lives then prepare to keep getting funds for him the rest of your life!”

“I……” Guangbo didn’t deny that- he agreed with what Lin Yi was saying. It wasn’t the first time his son had asked for money… He always had excuses and reasons, the only difference being the difference in the amount he’d needed… This was by far the most ridiculous one. He’d always say that he’d pissed off the wrong guy, that he needed a car, that his girlfriend had run away with another man…… Guangbo would always ask his son to come back every time he gave him money, but the kid wasn’t listening. Lin Yi was making sense here…

“I’ll give you one second to think about it. You wanna die now, or you wanna give me the shares after I get your son back?” Lin Yi raised the safe’s door, his eyes on Guangbo. “Alright, time’s up…”

“Wait……” Guangbo waved his hands in front of him. “I… I promise!”

Guangbo didn’t doubt that Lin Yi would actually kill him with that door- there was a dead guy right next to him in that wall, after all.

Chapter 312: CH312

Lin Yi nodded his head, satisfied. He tossed the door to the side. “Hold on for now with the whole Jin Gubang thing- I’ll get your son back within one week. Don’t try anything, I’d rather not do anything to you and your son……”

Lin Yi stopped there.

“Don’t worry- as long as my son’s fine, I’ll cooperate!”” Guangbo had thought things through- it’d be best if Lin Yi could bring his son back. He would have neither money or shares, but he’d be able to live a peaceful life with his son… Without gambling or drugs, his son might actually turn a new leaf for once.

“I hope you’ll keep that promise.” Lin Yi looked deeply in to Guangbo’s eyes- they were clear and awake. “I’ll fulfill my end of the bargain. Give me details on your son- send it to my number: 152xxxx1234……”

“I’ll send it to you in just a moment! Um… Is Huang……” Guangbo asked carefully.

“He’ll live. An early phase golden class like him should be alright after half a month in the hospital.” Lin Yi waved a hand dismissively.

Guangbo felt a chill down his spine- Lin Yi’s assessment of Huang was fast and accurate… Just what sort of level was he on? Although, the stronger Lin Yi was the happier Guangbo would be- it only increased the chances of his son returning home safely, after all.

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