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Chapter 51: CH51

Translator: Marcysee  Editor: Marcysee

“What? Lin Yi?! Here? Where?!” Pinliang lifted his head, hastily looking at where Naipao’s finger was pointed and searching for Lin Yi’s fucking face. It was indeed Lin Yi- and he was strolling peacefully to the school gates!

“Fuck! This fucking shit’s pretty relaxed, isn’t he!!” Naipao spat, very displeased at Lin Yi’s strolling face- the fucker almost gave him a concussion yesterday, and there was still a huge bump on his head!

“Liang Bro, should we go?” Xiaofu asked subconsciously.

“Go? For what? You think you can take him all of a sudden now, huh?” Zhong Pinliang snapped a glare at Xiaofu, annoyed. _Think you’re a tough guy… Didn’t you just get one-shotted yesterday?_

Xiaofu blinked in realization- they’d only be asking Lin Yi to fuck them up again. He decided to settle with a glare, and not approach him.

The three were looking at Lin Yi when he stopped- Zuo Ruoming had ordered him to retrieve his ball for him; things were looking interesting.

“Nice, Lin Yi’s gonna get fucked!” Xiaofu spat joyfully.

Zuo Ruoming was a merciless man, backed by a gangster brother; Lin Yi wouldn’t come out unscathed if he clashed with someone of Ruoming’s level- Pinliang didn’t even need to do anything at this point.

“Knowing Lin Yi, there’s no way he’ll just listen to Ruoming command him.” Naipao commented happily. “Zuo Ruoming’s quite the fighter, too- show’s getting good.”

Pinliang was as interested as his lackeys were- it’d be nice for Lin Yi to get beat up before Heibao came with the real deal.

“Ah? Wait, what? When did Lin Yi get so weak??” Xiaofu’s jaw dropped as he stared at the weak-willed guy. How was this _Lin Yi_?! Xiaofu couldn’t believe it- he wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that Lin Yi had a twin.

“This fucking Lin Yi!!” Pinliang cursed, his fists clenched tightly. “So even _he_ knows to weigh his opponent’s strength, huh, obedient as a dog when it’s Zuo Ruoming!! So Zhong Pinliang isn’t scary enough for you…!! Dammit, dammit! You’ll fucking pay, I’m never letting you go!!”

Naipao and Xiaofu were choking with anger and humiliation, as well- it was a barefaced taunt. Were they really that much weaker than Zuo Ruoming, in Lin Yi’s eyes?

The three were gritting their teeth when the basketball destroyed Ruoming’s hands and face, sending him to the ground with blood spilling everywhere.

“Fuck, seriously?” Naipao exclaimed, his mouth wide open.

“I knew it, there’s just no way that shit would be so submissive.” Pinliang breathed out in relief. Lin Yi’s meekness towards Ruoming had hit him hard, and Pinliang felt very uncomfortable and pissed off at that… Ruoming had been taken down, however, fucked up just like he was yesterday! The guy had it even worse than what he’d been put through by Lin Yi back at the balcony.

“Zuo Ruoming got unlucky this time, jesus… It’s his fault for messing with that little shit- the guy’s fucking crazy!!” Xiaofu was a little gleeful as he watched Ruoming have his ass handed to him, remembering what Lin Yi did to them yesterday.

“Looks like Heibao Bro’s the only one who can deal with him. We’re not on his level at all.” Pinliang had been unwilling to admit inferiority to Lin Yi’s strength, convinced that luck was involved, at least to some degree. The scene before them today, however, established what he’d been doubting- Lin Yi was a monster, of an extreme calibre. The guy used a basketball to knock someone out, and from _that_ distance, too!!

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