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Chapter 11: CH11
Translator: Marcysee  Editor: Marcysee

Yushu heard Mengyao complaining about the fish strips, and tried some herself. It was indeed a little sweet. She was on a diet! There was no way she could eat anything sweet, so the plate was pushed to Lin Yi.

He couldn’t possibly care any less if the fish was sour or sweet; meat was meat. Lin Yi hadn’t eaten the whole day, and he was starving as he got started on the dish.

It was good, much better than Widow Wang’s food stand. The taste, the ingredients, the color combinations… Everything was levels higher than what Widow Wang could make. Weren’t these two girls being too picky?

Meanwhile, Mengyao took a piece of boiled fish and put it in her mouth. Her face went red from how spicy it was, and she started to fan her burning lips with a hand. “Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot! Where’s the water?”

The orange juice on the table was the first thing that caught her eye. Without so much as a second thought, Mengyao grabbed the juice and started chugging it, going through half the bottle before she put it down, satisfied. “Phew! Ahh.. that’s nice.”

Yushu blinked as she processed what happened. She looked at Lin Yi, and then the orange juice. Then she looked at Mengyao’s lips, her face blank with disbelief. Lin Yi, on the other hand, was simply surprised at how open minded city girls were. Not only were they fine with drinking from a guy’s bottle, they even drank it with their lips pressing against it! Very violent drinking, these city girls.

Mengyao was enjoying herself to the fullest when she noticed how intently Yushu was staring at her. What was with that? “Shu, what are you looking at me for?”

“Uh… Nothing…” Yushu sighed, not sure if she should tell her what happened. Mengyao’s temper wasn’t something you’d want to mess with, who knew what she’d do if she realized what had happened.

“Staring at me for nothing?” Mengyao was perplexed as she shook her head. What’s up with Shu? She took another piece of boiled fish for the spicy thrill, and was overwhelmed once more. Grabbing the orange juice, Mengyao pressed the bottle against her lips.

“Don’t…!” Yushu was about to stop her when she saw Mengyao chugging the juice down again.

“What? What now? Are you okay? Shu, you’re acting weird…” Mengyao put the juice down before wiping her lips with a hand, frowning at her friend.

“Um… nevermind…” Yushu didn’t know if she should be laughing or pitying Mengyao as she looked at her oblivious face. The funniest part was how she used Lin Yi’s bottle twice! Once wasn’t enough to satisfy her, apparently.

“Shu, stop mumbling! If you have something to say, just say it!” Mengyao was starting to get impatient. Why was Shu acting so mysteriously?

Yushu didn’t see any other choice as Mengyao pressed her, so she pointed at the bottle of orange juice. “That…drink…”

“What about this drink?” Mengyao frowned. “Just go get another one, what’s the big deal, there’s plenty in the fridge! What’s up with you, Shu?”

Yushu burst out laughing at how oblivious Mengyao still was. “Hahahahaha, oh man, Yao Yao! Haven’t you realized? That’s not my drink!”

“What? Not your dri-” Mengyao froze mid-sentence as she turned her head at Lin Yi, her face changing dramatically. “Is… this yours?”

Lin Yi simply nodded innocently. So much for that bit about open minded city girls- turns out Mengyao just mistook his drink for Yushu’s.

“FUCK!!!” Mengyao’s index finger flew up at Lin Yi to point at him instinctively, her face going green. She stared at him with wide eyes, but no words came out of her mouth. With a burst, she charged out of her chair and into the toilet with a hand over her lips.

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