“What signs?” Lin Yi was pretty shocked himself- the stick just flamed up all of a sudden!

“I read in a history book that smoke always came out of the stick first when cavemen did it… The fire comes slow!” Yushu wiped at the sweat on her forehead. “Well, maybe you were too strong, you’re even better than cavemen!”

“……” Lin Yi didn’t know if that counted as a compliment- what the hell was Yushu even comparing him with?

“Add wood to the fire- I’ll go prepare the shark.” Lin Yi left the fire to Yushu as he walked over the the shark. He quickly cut the shark meat into smaller pieces before dousing it in seawater for a bit, so as to remove the sand and dirt on it. Getting some seawater to seep into the meat would also add some flavor to its bland taste.

Lin Yi then pierced the wire into the meat after washing it. He then walked back to Yushu, who looked up at him. “What do I do now, Shield Bro? I’m done here!”

Lin Yi handed a shark meat skewer to Yushu. “Hold this for a sec.”

He then looked for the two longest branches in the stack before sticking them side by side with the fire between them. He then hung the skewer on them. “There- we’ll just need to wait for a bit. Don’t eat too much though, we don’t have water.”

A while later, the meat started getting some color. A nice aroma started coming out from it, and Yushu gulped in anticipation. “Shield Bro, is it ready now?”

“Yeah, it’s okay if it’s a bit raw. At most you’ll just have some diarrhea.” Lin Yi said as he turned the meat.

“I’ll wait then……” The thought of having to poop made Yushu go pale- there were no toilets here, and there wasn’t even any toilet paper! Pooping here in front of Shield Bro? There was no way she could do something so shameful!

“Ah…..” Lin Yi chuckled as he removed the wires. “It’s ready. You eat the middle part; it’s more cooked there.”

“Okay……” Yushu used some sticks to take out a piece of shark meat before nibbling at it for a test taste- she then gulped it down. Shark bones were big, but Lin Yi had gotten rid of them already- there was only meat left.

“Aahh, it’s so good!” Yushu couldn’t believe it- she didn’t know shark meat could taste this good! “This tastes so much more better than shark fins! How come everyone only eats the fins? They don’t sell the meat in the restaurant, too, do they?”

Chapter 276: CH276

“Haha… You’re probably just hungry……” Lin Yi laughed- Yushu was from a rich family, and the food that occupied her plates were top tier- she only found the shark that delicious because of how hungry she was. Shark meat would definitely not be as appealing under normal circumstances when compared with more conventional seafood items like eel and carp.

Many fishers all threw the sharks back into the sea after chopping off their fins- it was cruel, but that was a simple testament to just how unpopular shark meat was.

A lot of the cheaper fish balls in markets were actually made from shark meat, too, since it was cheap.

Lin Yi, however, wasn’t much for shark fins- he preferred non-pricey meat over stuff like that any day.

Yushu had a smaller appetite, and couldn’t take another bite after two more pieces despite how tasty she found it to be. She leaned back and put a hand on her stomach. “I’m so full! But that sure was good, Shield Bro! Let’s bring the rest back home for Yao Yao to try!”

Yushu wasn’t one to forget sharing something good with Mengyao- Lin Yi could tell how close the two were despite their bickerings.

“We’ll need to be able to contact Uncle Fu first, though.” Lin Yi said as he put his phone on the sand, thinking of letting it dry in the sun for a bit.

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